Friday, October 30, 2009

Dating Without Drama

Dating Without Drama

So what is dating without drama? Have you ever known a lady who just seems to have it going on. She gets the dates with great guys and they treat her like a queen. She may not even be drop dead gorgeous, but there is something about her that just draws the men. Chances are she is confident and self assured. She comes across to men as a fun girl that knows what she wants and settles for nothing less. Oh how attractive this is to men. She dates without drama.

Drama in dating is when you are wondering if he is going to call. You fret when he doesn't and wonder what you did wrong. Perhaps you have been dating for a while, weeks or even months and then you feel it, that distance. Men even just disappear and you have no idea what happened. Its like they have all the controls. The truth of the matter is its the woman that always has the control, you just have to learn how to get it and keep it.

Dating with Drama is also when you are doing the calling, all the work to make the relationship last. Wouldn't it be nice to sit back and let them do the work and you just relax and enjoy all the attention they are giving you. The key here is to stop doing so much and start doing less. Less is more. When you are putting in all the effort, the man automatically knows this and he gets lazy. Why should he have to put forth any effort when you are doing it all. Put some distance there and watch him follow you to see whats going on with you for a change.

Even and existing relationship can be turned around with the right techniques. Dating without Drama is an ebook that can turn your dating and relationships around. It teaches you how to apply these principles and get rewarding results. How would it feel to have your man calling you, doing for you and giving you all the emotional support that you have always craved. How many times have you not gotten this out of the man you were dating. Its not necessarily him, but your reactions to him that cause this. Learn to change you reactions and have him adoring you and wanting to be with you and only you.

Dating Without Drama

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why do Men Love Bitches

When you hear the word bitches, you think of a woman who is self centered that treats a man badly. This is not really the case. Bitch stands for Babe in Total Control of Herself. In other words, a woman who does not give all to her man until he has given her all first. A woman who does not prepay, she gets the merchandise prior to giving all of herself.

B=Babe, I=In, T=Total, C=Control of, H=Herself

So why do men marry some women and not others? What kind of woman do men marry? Women who leave the men always wanting more, always thinking there is more to her than he is getting motivates a man. Men are very competitive by nature and if they are not getting everything, they will work harder. The harder they work, the more they value the prize. You as a woman have to be the prize.

The women that give too much too soon are the ones usually left behind. The man already has it all, so what is to motivate him to make you his forever girl. If you are picking up his dry cleaning, cooking for him, doing all kinds of things to make his life easy, you are already playing wife. Why should he marry you, he already has it all. Men need motivation to take you off of the market. If you are his doormat, he will not move you onto the pedestal.

Men are inspired by mystery. If he knows everything about you already, where is the mystery? Keep some things to yourself, don't be available every minute of everyday. Have your own life outside of his. This moves him to want to find out more about you and your life and become more of a part of it. Don't be so quick to fit into his world. Hold back and let him also fit into yours. A bitch is the opposite of a doormat.

Don't be the stepping stone in his life. Learn more about why men marry some women and not others. Don't continue to be one of the others. If you have been dating for a while now and are his girlfriend, start moving him towards a lifetime commitment. Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

Monday, October 5, 2009

Turn Your Relationship Around

Often we just don't understand men at all. So much of their behavior is just out of our grasp. We as women are emotional creatures. Men on the other hand seem to be able to just switch their feelings off over night. What makes them do this and why do they do this? They can hurt our feelings and then accuse us of being oversensitive. Have you ever heard the line, you aren't going to bring that up again are you? Its us as women trying to get them to understand us. So can how we as women understand men and learn to live in harmony with them.

A lot of the answer lies within ourselves. We set expectations as to what we need to feel loved and to have love shown to us. Setting up these expectations in turn can set us up for disappointment. Men do not always view showing love to us the same way we do. So until we truly understand men and how they relate in relationships, we will not be able to move them towards us.

The actions that we use to get what we need to feel love are often what actually pushes them away. We complain, we nag, we ask, we cry and we get our feelings hurt. While these things may get us what we want short term, the man usually goes back to his old ways soon. These things don't work, so why continue doing the same thing if it just does not get you the results of what you actually need and want. How can you and get what you need and deserve?

We don't want much really, just to feel adored and loved. Its really simple. So why don't men get it? Because they do not think like we do. They avoid emotional confrontation, Is there a better way to communicate our needs without throwing them into defense mode. Can you get what you really want and need with the man you are with now? The answer is yes. You can have the relationship you have always wanted and you can have it with a new man, your current man or maybe the one that got away.

You can understand men and how they relate to women. Understand their needs and how to get them to communicate with you on a deeper level by changing your attitude towards your relationship. If you let go of the outcome and realize you have no control over it, then you are more open to receive from them. If you can learn to show them that you will not be an emotional basket case every time they make a mistake, they will be more inclined to please you and work harder to make you happy. The first step to build a fun and exciting relationship starts with you and how well you understand your man.

Whether you are married, in a relationship, or dating, the way you communicate with men is very important. It is important that you communicate in a way that does not send them running but still get your point across and stand your ground and get what you want. If you are feeling resentment because of all of the disappointments from your relationship you can change it and you can start today. Minutes from now you can have the tools and the knowledge to turn your relationship into bliss and have the man in you life working to make you happy without you lifting a finger. Have the relationship you want and deserve. Learn to understand your man.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love Drama-Avoid It

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are probably frustrated and often feeling hurt by the things the man in your life is doing or more likely not doing. Maybe he doesn't tell you he loves you as much any more. Perhaps the calling and texting have slacked off. He possibly does not show you the affection he used to or do the little things like hold your hand, kiss you hello, tell you how great you look and the list goes on and on.

If you are feeling insecure in your relationship because you don't know where you stand, join the thousands of other women who feel the same. We as women need reassurance and often we don't feel we get enough of it. We will start to push the men in our lives by attempting to talk to him about our fears and where we stand. Although we are doing this because we want answers and to know that we are valued and treasured by the men in our live, this approach does not work. It often can end in a quarrel and our man distancing himself or going into his cave.

Men do this because they don't like emotional confrontations and it makes them feel they are not making us happy. A man wants to make you happy, but he does not want to feel like he is solely responsible for out happiness. He see these actions of ours as warning flags of more drama to come down the road.

You can turn this relationship around, but you have to learn to date without drama.. Men love a drama free woman and these are the women that gently lead them to commitment. They move towards these women because these women know how to build that intense attraction and keep it.

I too went through all of the above issues. For years I would try to persuade a man with words or by doing more and more for them. My success with men was minimum. I got tired of being alone, I would get dates but it seemed it just never lasted. They would leave and next thing I knew, they would be in a serious relationship with someone else. This happens to all of us. I finally realized it wasn't the men in my life's problem, but that the problem was with me. I started reading books about dating and men and commitment. I learned to date without drama, and now I have met a wonderful man and am in a healthy relationship where I don't have to worry all the time about where I stand. Start turning your dating life and relationships around today. Learn how the secrets of dating without drama.