Sunday, October 31, 2010

Making a Man Fall In Love - The Key Ingredient

There are many things that come into play when a man is falling in love but one of the main ones is this. He has to think about you. It sounds really simple doesn't it? You may be thinking of course he is thinking about me, he is spending a lot of time with me, he must be thinking of me right? Wrong. For a man to really think about you he has to miss you. He can't miss you when you are always around.

So often men start out full speed ahead, then out of the blue he starts pulling away. Why does this happen? The main reason this happens is you did not slow him down. You jumped right on in, seeing him every chance you could hoping he would grow fonder of you. Seems logical right? Wrong again.

When you give a man too much too fast even if he does seem to be all into you, it does eventually kill attraction. For attraction to grow into love a man must feel your absence. Men aren't even aware that they need this to fall in love. If you ask him why he fell in love he is not going to say because she wasn't always around.

It also goes back to the challenge. Men love a challenge. If you are always around, seeing him everyday, the challenge is gone, he eventually gets bored. Give him some space even if he doesn't ask for it or think he needs it. When you aren't around is when he misses you and thinks of you more and more. This is the key ingredient for making a man fall in love, or should I say allowing a man to fall in love.

So next time he wants to see you several day/nights in a row, have something else to do. Wash your hair, go to a movie with a friend, take your cat to the vet, whatever. Give him that time to think about you. It's the beginning of falling in love. It's long term satisfaction you want, not instant gratification.

It's frustrating to not be sure of his depth of love for you. There are ways to naturally stir a man's heart and have him fall in love.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does A Man In Love Act Like - Signs He Is In Love

It's pretty simple really to tell a man is in love. He just treats you a certain way that you know you are a priority in his life. A man in love, when it comes to you he acts a certain way or does certain things he might not ordinarily do.

Its a sign a man is in love when he steps outside of his routine to accommodate you. Maybe he stays up later than normal to talk to you. He may be a night owl, but all of a sudden he goes to bed early like you do. Maybe he hates sappy movies but watches them anyway because you want to. In other words a man in love will be uncomfortable so that you will be comfortable.

If a man wants to see you regardless. Regardless if you have hovered over the toilet all night sick as a dog. He wants to see you regardless if you just crawled out of bed with no make up, in a tee shirt that has food stains all down the front. If your man wants to see you even at your worst, it's a good sign he is in love.

Has your man surprised you lately? Has he brought you a little gift, even if it's something silly like your favorite soda from the corner pantry. Has he brought you flowers or a flower? Maybe he surprised you with a candy bar, taking you to lunch when he usually works clear across town. A sign a man is in love gives to you in little ways.

A man in love talks openly in terms of "we" and does so in front of others. If he is saying we to you that is one thing, but when he does it in front of his friends and coworkers it's a sign he is in love. It's like it is perfectly natural for him when the word "we" escapes his lips.

Another sign a man is in love is he projects into the future. He talks about the things you will be doing together. Perhaps he mentions his vacation and how this year you will be included. Maybe he just mentions a concert a month or so down the road. You can bet if a man if talking about you and him in the future, he is considering you long term.

It's simple really, a man in love acts like he adores you. You can be the woman men adore and inspire him to fall in love with your feminine grace.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Will He Ever Marry Me

I was talking with a smart young woman the other day who had this problem. She had been with the same guy in an exclusive relationship for almost 3 years and he never mentioned marriage. They seemed to have a great relationship. He had keys to her house, she had keys to his. She did things for him like cook him dinner, help him clean his apartment among a lot of other things. She described herself as nice, helpful and loving. She is a great girlfriend but she still asks the question, "Will he ever marry me?".

She is wanting more and he is thinking, well it's not broken, why fix it. The thing is, she is already giving him everything he would get if they were married. He has full access to her house, her life, everything. So often we give so much so soon and then there is nothing left for them to work for. We jump in so fast and next thing you know you are in a rut and he is not moving forward. You are left wondering, will he ever marry me.

Bottom line, men value what they work hardest for. Think of a car. If he has an old car that he got for a few hundred bucks, well anyone can drive it, he probably doesn't think much about it. Let's say though he worked hard, saved his money and bought this shiny new sports car. Do you think anyone else is going to drive it? No way. He will park it at the end of the parking lot and walk so no one parks next to him and dents it. He washes it every weekend and sometimes just stands back to admire it. Why? He values it, he had to work for it.

It's the same way with relationships really. A man has to see your value and if its just handed to him, he will take it for granted. It it took some work, he is going to want to make that woman his. When a man values his woman, he will want to make her happy, she will not be asking forever, will he ever marry me.

If you are frustrated and have already given away the farm and don't know quite how to take it back, you need a plan. All is not lost, you can go from girlfriend to wife.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What To Do If You Slept With Him Too Soon

One thing you can't do is back track. You can't now expect him to accept that you aren't going to sleep with him anymore. You can't tell him it was an accident and you slipped and fell on his penis. You did if, now the first thing you have to do is own it. The way you handle yourself from here forward is critical. You act as if it's no big deal, after all, you are a grown woman. So what if you slept with him too soon. It's no big deal. Many long term relationships develop in spite of this. Sex on the first date or first few dates is more common than you can imagine.

Whatever you do, don't apologize for having slept with him too soon. This shows weakness and insecurity on your part. Men actually have a name for this. It's called Anti-Slut-Defense, also known as ASD. You don't want him to think you have no control over yourself and you don't want him to know he affects you so much. It was probably pleasurable for both parties, so no need to apologize. A guy wants to be stroked after sex, not shot down with your crying and emotions.

You don't want to call attention to the fact that you slept with him too soon. You don't want to have a discussion with him about it. Chances are if you give him the song and dance about how you just didn't mean to have sex with him on the first date or so he won't believe it anyway, so skip it. If you try to talk about it, you give him the impression that you are over thinking and he will see it as you already wanting to be his girlfriend. What ever you do, don't start acting like his girl friend now. Most all girls do this and there is a good possibility he is expecting this from you. Just because you had sex with him does not make you his girlfriend.

Now there is a chance you can become just a booty call to him if you aren't careful. There are ways to avoid this though. I call it tap dancing around. If he starts calling late at night, don't answer the phone. If he only suggest hook ups, don't go. If he wants to just hang out at his place or yours, avoid it. In other words, if he isn't willing to go out and do things that don't involve sex, just don't go. This tells him with your actions and words won't be needed. Actions are way more effective on guys than words, trust me on this.

Next date, have your escape route planned for the end of the date. A reason you have to get up early etc... Give him a passionate kiss at the end and tell him you hate it, but you gotta go. Leave him guessing and wanting more. If you had sex on the first date or too soon, don't fret, you can still get the guy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

He Texts All TheTime but Doesn't Ask Me Out

You may wonder what texting techniques have to do with this. A lot actually once you understand what builds attraction in a guy. If your guy is texting everyday but not asking you out, chances are his attraction level is not high enough. He sees you maybe as an option or someone to keep on the back burner.

Guys like a challenge, this is a fact. It's also human nature to want what we can't have. This does play into the texting. If he is texting and not making an effort to spend time with you, he very well may not see you as a challenge. If you are responding promptly to his texts, engaging in conversations every time he initiates a text or worse you initiate first, you are pretty much letting him know he already has you. No work there.

If your guy is texting and not calling or wanting to see you, it's time to turn this around. Stop answering right away. I am not saying be rude and ignore him, just wait a few hours before you reply. If he texts you something that really doesn't warrant a reply, then don't reply. You are a busy girl with a busy life and you really don't have time to chat with someone who can't seem to make you a priority.

Guys actually see a girl who is readily available as a girl acting like a girlfriend. When you start acting like a girlfriend to fast, they put the breaks on. Texting keeps you there for when they want you, but also keeps you at arm's length and keeps him safely out of a relationship. This is a huge reason why guys keep in contact texting and don't step up to see you.

If you aren't so available, it you aren't so eager to engage in his texting game, he will see you as more valuable. This is what builds attraction in a guy. Mystery is hard for a guy to resist. Your texting techniques can actually convey mystery and build attraction to higher level causing him to want to see you.

To learn how to ignite his interest and attraction via text messaging, click here..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Won't He Call Me?

You met a guy, maybe even spent time with him, yet he just won't call. Why do guys get your number if they aren't going to use it? There could be many reasons.

He really could be busy. Guys don't have the same time clock we do. Days to them seem like weeks to us. He may have every intention of calling but next thing you know weeks have went by. He then thinks too much time has passed and he would feel stupid to call you now so he moves on. This is one of the main reasons why he won't call. Laziness.

He could also just be a player. Getting a phone number or a date could just be a way to stroke his ego. There are guys out there like this. If he won't call you, chances are with this guy getting the number was part of the game. He just wanted to see if he could. He likes knowing there is a woman out there waiting for his call. It is an ego boost.

Some guys are looking for a fling or just sex. If he finds out you are not that kind of girl, this could be one reason he doesn't call. This guy has countless numbers in his phone. You are better off if he doesn't call.

We so often wonder why won't he call me. It's really nothing in particular that you did or didn't do. I do believe however, that if a guy wants to get to know you and is truly interested, he will call. Guys like a challenge that is for sure. If you have been calling him instead of him calling you, this is a huge reason he's not calling you. He doesn't have too. You are doing his work for him.

A guy who is attracted to you will make time in his busy life, will overcome his game playing ways or rise above his immaturity and pick up that phone. He won't not call. The trick though is you have to become that "girl" that he can't resist.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Is He Ignoring Me All Of a Sudden

When your guy starts ignoring you this is a warning flag. Something isn't right. If a guy is smitten with you, he is not going to ignore you. Quite the opposite, he wants to make you happy. If your guy is ignoring you he could be pulling away from you. 

First of all, one reason he is ignoring you could be a simple case of he is taking you for granted. Why though? You probably think you are being a good girlfriend.  You would do anything for him.  We women nurture by nature.  Ask yourself are you acting more like his Mother or his lover.  If you nurture him too much he may be feeling more like your child than your boyfriend.  You need to trust him to take care of himself. 

Men fear at a core level losing their freedom.  If you are clingy, insecure or needy, he may view you as a threat to his freedom.   A man needs his space and if he feels he can't get that without upsetting you, he feels he can't live his life and make you happy at the same time.  When a man feels he is no longer making you happy or that it's too much sacrifice of himself to do so, they start checking out. 

When a guy ignores you, he is usually trying to keep you at arms length.  He feels that you are more invested than he is.  He doesn't want to talk about it because he fears your emotional reaction or you creating drama, so he just goes into ignore you mode.

One thing is certain, when a man begins to ignore you all of a sudden, a pull away in in your future.  The instinct of most women is to hold on tighter, but that just causes him to pull away more.  Don't make this mistake.  Find out what to do when men pull away before you blow it for good. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

He Loves Me But He is Not In Love. What Does This Mean?

Have you ever heard those words, "I love you, but I am not in love with you"? What does he mean when he says that. When you love someone that is like a friendship type love but what is it that makes a man feel "in love" with you? The missing element here is a deep level of attraction. Attraction has to be felt by a man for him to be in love with you. You can be the most beautiful woman on the planet though and the man still can not feel the attraction. What is it that makes a man feel attraction and fall in love?

While looks and physical appearance is important and does draw a man in the beginning, it's not what makes a man fall in love with you. It's your presence. I am actually quite sure of this. You can be attractive, don't get me wrong, but I am positive without a doubt that is not the thing about a woman that can draw them in. The thing that draws them is how you make them feel with your true authentic self. It really is all about how you make them feel when they are around you, it has nothing at all to do with your appearance, that is just a door opener.

Do you make them feel safe? Safe to open up. Do you make him feel as if you accept him for who he is? Do you stir something in him that makes him want to make you his and his alone? What signal is your presence sending him?

When a man tells you he is not in love with you, he is saying he does not feel "it" with you. He does not feel that level of attraction that would keep him around and nothing you say can change this. If you try to talk him into loving you, it will never work. It will push him further away and reinforce why he isn't in love you to start with.

Men fall in love with feminine grace. They fall in love with the way they feel when they are around you. They fall in love with your essence. It's not what you do or say that makes a man fall in love.

You as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, have in your hands the delicious power to make a man fall in love with you, influence a man to your way of thinking, bring him to his knees, make him want to spend his life with you -- and want to fulfill your every desire.

To learn more of how to become the woman he not only loves but is in love with click here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

When He doesn't Satisfy You in Bed

If men love sex so much then why are so many of us women not completely satisfied in the bedroom. Are they really clueless? After 48 years and talking with hundreds of women, the answer is I think yes, most really are. Most don't understand that we are capable of so much more pleasure than they give us. I really think that is it, they just don't know.

How many men have you known that thought just because you were wet you were ready to roll? I have even had a few say "Yeah baby, you are so ready". You just want to say to them, "Slow down Boy, it ain't time yet". Or you start to breath a little heavy and they think you just had the orgasm of your life.

Now a lot of it is our own fault because we don't tell them. The sad thing though is if we do tell them, their ego is wounded and often it dampens the relationship. I can remember one man that actually broke up with me over this. I think he was terrified he could not satisfy me. I mean he asked me, "did you cum?" What was I supposed to say? I didn't, never did in 8 months. The effect of that on me for a long time was I started lying or faking. If I didn't I was scared the man would leave. Silly woman I was back then.

This really is a delicate subject and I am far from an expert on it. Rori Raye though has a new program out that is so worth checking out. It's the bomb. She will teach you how to get what you want and how to make your man feel like the king of the bedroom as well. She goes into what it is men want and how we can use this information to have deep, passionate, meaningful sex and connect with the man on an emotional level as well.

Check it out, click here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Should You Have the Talk with Your Guy

Four of the most dreaded words for a man are, "We need to talk". His defenses start going up, he automatically assumes he has done something wrong. You might as well grab him by the balls and squeeze, he would probably prefer this actually. It beats what he thinks he is about to hear, which is drama and emotional confrontation. A man will avoid this like the plague.

First really consider why it is that you need this talk with your guy. Is it out of your own insecurity? If you have been dating years, well that may be a different story which still doesn't need a talk, more like dump him if he hasn't committed by now. If it's only been a few weeks or months, slow down girl.

Here is where we screw up as women. We start wanting more sooner than the man does. Men do not operate on our time table. We often go into it thinking of the future where they just live in the moment. We start acting like the girlfriend, not giving them the opportunity to woe us and make us their girlfriend. The attraction is killed and the man disappears. Happens all the time.

If you are trying to get more time, more of a commitment, whatever it is that you are hoping to get from the talk with your guy, chances are good it will backfire. Think about it, why isn't he wanting to have the talk with you? Why isn't he trying to get a commitment, or more of your time? If you are the one doing all of the work in the relationship, he won't feel the need to have the talk with you. He already knows he has you, that is why your boyfriend isn't having the talk with you.

With the right man you won't need to bring up the talk and there will not be an elephant in the room. You will not be wondering if and when he is going to call, how he feels or what his intentions are. The way you feel between dates is the best sign of what the relationship is like. If you feel a level of comfort, if you just know when you lay your head down to sleep at night that this man loves and cherishes you, then and only then is it right. If you wonder, guess, speculate, this guy may not be the right and having the talk with your guy will not get you anywhere.

Tables can be turned once you understand what inspires men to commit. Learn how to get what you want without the talk. Be the girl on the receiving end of that talk

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Are You Obsessing Over a Guy?

You might be planning your schedule around him. You won't commit to other activities just in case he fits you in or wants to see you. You watch what you say, and how you act around him. If he does something that hurts your feelings sometimes you let it slide because you are scared you will rock the boat. If you are doing these things, you are obsessing over a guy.

He may get moody and distant. When he does you just get nicer and understanding because you want to be a good little girlfriend. You make him the center of your world because you want him to know how much you care. This is actually the thing that pushes a guy away. The way we pull a guy towards us is by lessening their importance in our lives.

Guys can sense when a girl is obsessing over them and it is not attractive. It comes across as needy. If you want to stop obsessing then you need to stop making him your top priority. Stop being so nice, stop being available every time he calls. Stop making him the center of your world and start making yourself the center of your world.

Funny thing happens when we shift the focus off of him and onto ourselves and our own lives. The guy starts to see you as more attractive. He starts to center more around you. He sees you aren't always at his command or falling all over him known as obsessing over a guy. His attraction is rekindled.

Obsessing over a guy is torture. It consumes you, takes away from your life and your happiness. The way to keep a guy is to not obsess over him. Nice girls that try to hard to make a guy love them usually lose them.

If you are obsessing over a guy and you are with him right now and feeling frustrated because he is not moving towards a commitment with you can get help here

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When Your Guy Ignores You Can You Get His Attention Again?

When you are together he seems so into you. He is all over you. Then when he is not, he may not call for days or maybe even weeks. He seems to blow hot and cold. You may have just had a great date, such a connection, then your guy ignores you. What is going on and why does he do this.

We as women often try so hard to get his attention. We bend ourselves into a pretzel trying to please him. We make ourselves available to fit his schedule, we call him when we haven't heard from him. We actually start behaving like a wife long before the ring is on our finger. If you are doing this, that ring won't ever be on your finger. Being clingy, depending on your him for your validation will only cause your guy to ignore you more.

Men really do like to feel they have the woman that not every guy could get. He likes knowing he had to work for her. If your guy is ignoring you, he doesn't place value on you. A girl a guy sees as valuable is one he had to work for, not one that is always available to him.

If your guy ignores you, don't push him. No amount of talking will do it. Talking about it, complaining that he isn't giving you attention actually pushes him away. Men don't respond to words, they respond to distance. If you distance yourself from him, mirror his behavior, he will start to sense that you are no longer making him a priority. It triggers in him that maybe he might have to start working to get your attention for a change.

Think about it. Why should you be the one doing all the work to make him happy. Wouldn't it feel nice to sit back and let him do the work to make you happy for a change. This really is the way it should be. If your guy is ignoring you, this is a sign something is seriously wrong. 

Find out the real reason guys pull away.

If you aren't getting what you want out of your dating and relationships, it may be time to make some changes. Ever seen that woman who seems to get guys so easily. What does she have? What makes guys want to be with her? Find out how to inspire a man deep in his core to want you and only you. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Truth About Why Men Blow Hot and Cold

One reason is you allow him to do this. If you continue dating, or remain in a relationship with this man, well it tells him it's alright to treat you this way. He behaves badly, you reward him with your company. He manages to keep you on the back burner. You still wonder though why he does it in the first place, not to mention how you wonder about how he really feels about you.

I can tell you how he doesn't feel about you. A man that runs hot and cold, here one day gone the next. One day he is super sweet on the phone, the next day it's like you are a bother. This man does not see you as a priority in his life. If he did, he would be scared to death to run hot and cold. He would be scared you would be gone. A man who treats you like a princess one day and a peasant the next does not adore you and probably doesn't see you as his Miss Forever.

Guys have learned that there are a lot of women out there who will tolerate this behavior. It's the women before you that may have trained him this way. They put up with it. He learned he really didn't have to do a lot to keep a woman around. He doesn't really value these women, but mostly because they don't value themselves.

These hot and cold guys will keep you in limbo for a while, but eventually they almost always disappear. What makes them disappear usually is a woman comes along who may present them with a higher degree of difficulty or a new challenge. He moves on in search of the chase. Sad though, they often toss you a phone call or text still, just to keep you in the loop. Crumbs, just crumbs. You are best off not to bother to bend over to pick them up.

Stop Him From Withdrawing - 5 Free Tools Will Bring Him Close Again! Click Here

If your guy is runs hot and cold, it doesn't mean it's hopeless, they have been turned around. It's usually by another woman though who won't tolerate the cold. He gets intrigued and next thing you know he is in a serious relationship where he jumps through hoops for this woman and you are left wondering what does she have that you don't.

Tired of living in limbo land with Mr. Hot and Cold. Do you wonder if and when he will disappear.

Stop Him From Withdrawing - 5 Free Tools Will Bring Him Close Again! Click Here

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Secrets for Texting a Guy You Just Met

In order to stand out from the other girls you gotta be different. In order to do this, you need to know what it is they are doing. I will list a few below.

1. They text the guy first

2. They engage in all day texting marathons

3. They exaggerate too many letters or use too much punctuation. Such as adding a dozen O's on the end of hello followed by 8 exclamation points.

4. If the guy doesn't reply to texts, they text again.

5. They are boring

The above are just a few things that most girls do. The main thing here is you don't want to come across as too available or as if you are glued to your phone. If you always reply right away, are always available and have time to engage in those all day marathons, he won't see you as very valuable. He is not having to work to get your attention. This is not good and it a sure way to kill the attraction of a guy you just met.

When texting a guy you just met, always let him send the first text. Reply, but don't jump and do it instantly, let him wait. You are a busy girl right? You aren't just sitting around waiting on him to call or text. Meet him with wit and humor but some healthy resistance. If you can end the conversation first, all the better. It doesn't feel as good to be the last one to send the text and he not reply.

Never when texting a guy you just met do you want to lay any of your cards on the table. You don't want to shower him with compliments or let on that you are into him yet. So often girls screw up right here with texting. They start laying it on thick, investing in the guy way before he has shown he is willing to return that investment. You might as well text him "Pick me, Pick me, please". Let him lead, you follow his pace with a little holding back.

Guys like mystery. They value the things they have to work for. When texting a guy you just met, if you want to get and keep his attention, be elusive, mysterious and flirty. Stand out from the other girls.

Are you making fatal blunders in your texts with guys and killing the attraction unknowingly? Learn the techniques and skills to get and keep his interests.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No Contact and I dream of Jeannie

Today I had the T.V. on in the background. It was the very first episode of "I dream of Jeannie". I know I am telling my age, but it was interesting how Jeannie handled her "master" aka Major Nelson.

If you don't know the background to this, Major Nelson was and Astronaut and his shuttle had some sort of issue and he found a bottle where he was stranded on a deserted Island and in it was a beautiful blond Jeannie. She went home with him and sort of moved in. She traveled around the house with via smoke. She slept in her bottle though, (no sex perhaps?).

Somehow she poofed him with her to her Country where he was in danger. He had just told Jeannie who thought they were getting married, that he wasn't marrying her. He begged to go back home. When he did, she turned her back on him, smiled a little wicked knowing smile and blinked him right back home, without her of course. So women apparently knew about the no contact rule as far back as the 60's and I bet they have always known about it. The virtual world might just make it more well known now. Interesting anyway.

He landed back at home screaming her name and thanks but she wasn't there. Uh oh! He panicked. She made him suffer a little longer. He became desperate, seems he just didn't know what he had until it was gone. I think that they did marry in the end after many an episode, but one things for sure, Major Nelson always treated Jeannie really really well, but then that is because of Jeannie and her wisdom afterall.