Ok, we are all guilty. He said he was going to call and a few days go by without a word and what do we do? We pick up the phone and call him first. Bad move. You just gave up your power. You just sent the wrong message. You just lost the controls.
I struggle often still in a stable relationship with this calling thing. Boyfriend works out of town and usually as a rule calls everynight (I do not always answer by the way). If it starts getting later than the normal time I start getting antsy. Now although this is crazy I still do it. I have learned that I have to find something to do. Take a bubble bath, call a girlfriend, something to keep me from going to that crazy place a womans mind can go. He will call. I do know that if I was the caller in this relationship, he would have been long gone a long time ago.
Think long term. What is the end result you want to get? If he answers and you call you may get instant gratification, but that is not going to do you much good if you are maybe wanting more. Be the girl he has to work for. When he does call, don't be so available. Always be the first to end the call. Leave him wanting more. If and when the calls start becoming consistent, it does not hurt every so often to be too busy to talk or have plans for the evening and be unavailable. If he is a mentally healthy man, he will work for you. If he does not, my motto is NEXT.