I am going to post this topic on my own personal experience. I know you have seen those women and maybe you are one of them. They can walk into a room and pick out a man and next thing you know they have his undivided attention. They seem to captivate him. What is it they are doing? They may not even be drop dead gorgeous but the men are drawn to them. Flirting with men is really easy. They love the attention of a woman. They are men after all.
These women know how to flirt. Some are naturals, some learned. If you are not a natural, you can learn. The more you practice the more it will become natural. I know this because I am a learned flirt but others would say I was a natural.
Some of my favorite flirting lines:
1. No you didn't. Say this when he says something he did that could be different
2. I am going to break up with you. Example: You ask a man directions to somewhere and he doesn't know where it it. You simply say well I am going to break up with you. Guaranteed to get a smile and a laugh. You will be remembered.
3. Just say his name in a devilish tone. Better yet "Bill, you didn't!"
4. Oh My!
Some of my favorite body language moves:
1. Tilt the head to the side slightly and angle it down.
2. Smile and laugh (not hearty laughter, like a giggle. Toss your head back.
3. WEAR A SKIRT AND CROSS YOU LEGS! Not a mini skirt either. Tasteful
4. Touch him on the arm lightly when you say his name or are making a point.
These are just a few. There are so many that I would be here all night writing this post. Read an example below.
True story and this happens to me often or when I chose I should say. Last night I met the girls for happy hour at a very nice restaurant and bar. I got there first and sat by the most attractive man there. I was conversing with the bartender. This made me seem approachable. I wanted a napkin to put under my beer. I started to reach across him, and he got it and handed it to me. Did I say thank you? No I said "I just got here, don't you think its a little early to ask me for my phone number?" I said it softly with the head tilt.
The girls got there and we moved to a table. I positioned myself to where I was facing his seat. I told the girls either he was going to ask me for my phone number or give me his before we left. His back was now turned to me. I already had his attention. He turned sideways on his stool and would glance my way occasionally. Smile, Smile Smile is what I did with the head tilt of course. He sent me a drink. Then came to the table and introduced himself. We chatted. He sat back down. I went to the Ladies room and when I came out he handed me a napkin with a note about now I had been there long enough and he would love to take me to dinner and his phone number was there.
Moral of this story. I did a few simple things. I was approachable, I took advantage of an opportunity and said something witty and I smiled. I sat up straight, crossed my legs (had on a skirt slightly above the knees)and I am sure a lot of other subliminal body signals, but it worked. How will I get him to call me instead of me calling him is another story all together, but I know how to do that too. Looks like there is a first date in my future though. If you want to learn more about flirting click here.
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