A dream girl has her standards that a man must meet. She does not make rules for the man, she makes the rules for herself. She expects him to follow without ever having to voice it. If he follows, great, if not she walks. They don't measure their value by the expectations of a man, but by the expectations of themselves. She rules her own heart. A few characteristics of these dream girls are as follows
When a man tells her to call him, she knows instinctively that he does not value her. He just has her on stand by. If he were truly interested, she knows he would be calling her.
She knows the difference as to if she is an option or a priority. If she feels she is just an option she will never make him a priority.
If a man is late, she will not play mama and call him to see what happened. She will have a back up plan and not wait past 30 minutes
If he calls later with an apology, she simply says "oh I see".
She will never become a liability. She will have a full life outside of her man.
She can say no and not feel bad.
She does not argue or try to convince a man. She states her point and remains silent.
These amazing,self respecting women often become wives. They have an air aboutthem that is hard to resist and easy to respect and love. They do not do drama and sets her boundaries and stands firm. They are easy to be with, but a little hard to get. Men treasure the dream girl who is true to herself.
What do dream girls have that makes them so special? Men and drawn to them and often make them thier wives. The dream girl comes along and the good girl friend is forgotten. Learn what exactly a makes a woman a dream girl. Learn how being a dream girl gets the man.
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