If I had to sum up the biggest mistake women make in dating in one sentence it would be this. We start making him a priority when we are still just an option. In other words we start acting like the girlfriend way before he has decided he wants us in that role. We start expecting contact, expecting him to do certain things and when he doesn't we freak. We start wanting to control the outcome. We can't really.
So how do we start trying to control the outcome? We may start to initiate contact when we haven't heard from him for a few days. If he does not reply to our texts, we text again and sometimes again. This sends him the signal loud and clear, we are way more into him than he is us.
Another way we make this mistake in dating is to start asking questions. Why didn't you call. Are you going to call? Where do you see this going? Are you looking for a relationship? Things like that. When we ask these questions we are telling him loud and clear he has the power to dictate the terms of how this dating thing plays out. We are seeking reassurance from the man and he sees this as insecurity and feels he has to validate us. Not good, not good at all.
Another mistake women make in dating which also applies to the option/priority rule is to start giving to him. We offer to do things for him to make his life better hoping this will make him like us more. We may do his laundry, cook for him, go out of our way for him. This is a huge attraction killer. This is behavior that should be reserved for a man that has made up a priority, not a man that has taken us on a few dates. Stop worrying about if he likes you or not, let him wonder if you like him instead.
My inbox is full every day with women who make these and many other mistakes in dating. Stop spinning your wheels with things that don't work and start learning what does. Learn how to create, and keep that attraction alive and burning. It's really not that hard, be the woman he adores.
You are such a nice so that you have shared this information over here so that I can not made this type of mistake in my first date. I am going on a first date that is why this is very helpful to me.