Monday, August 15, 2011

What Do Men Want in a Relationship

The first caution I have is this before I get into what men want in a relationship. Be sure he wants a relationship. Often we meet a man, and we want a relationship with him and because he keeps seeing us, we assume he also wants a relationship with us. This is not always the case. Men often keep women around as an option while waiting on the woman he wants a relationship with to come along. Sad but true, we all do this at some point. If you are wondering what men want in a relationship in hopes that if you give it to him, he will want a relationship, you have got it all wrong.

Men move into relationships naturally, not because you convinced him or behaved a certain way. It's attraction, usually emotional that moves them to a relationship. It's the woman they feel safe with, trusted, and accepted. For a man to feel this, he needs to know that the woman does not depend on him for all of her happiness. The woman trying to convince him into a relationship is showing him that she does depend on him for her happiness. He won't feel safe like this. He won't feel trusted and he certainly won't feel accepted.
What men want in a relationship I call the 3 A's: Acceptance, Appreciation and Affection.

Acceptance of who they are. They don't want to live in fear of a woman wanting to change them. It's happened to them many times already more than likely. A woman falls in love and then starts complaining about things she said nothing about in the beginning. She may think he drinks too much. She may think he goes out with the boys too much. She may start to buy him clothes and change how he dresses. The list goes on and on. Her complaints translate to him that he is not accepted.

Appreciation for what they do. Men don't always show love in the same way we do. We are different so to expect them to show love from a place of emotion is just not going to work. Men show it by the things they do for you. It may be changing a tire, mowing the grass, taking out the trash. Show appreciation for the good things they do in your life. Take the time to tell them and thank him for being a man.

Affection is another big thing when it comes to what men want in a relationship. They like to be desired. It wouldn't hurt to make a first move sometime. When you remove your affection, men notice. Don't remove your affection from a man. You can lump sex in with affection. Men don't have the outlets that we as women have for intimacy. We can be intimate with our girlfriends. Men connect more than you realize in the bedroom. They need this connection.

What men want in a relationship is simplicity. They crave a partner and commitment just as much as women do. I don't advocate becoming something you are not in order to please a man. There are though, certain qualities that some women have that seem to naturally propel men towards a commitment. There are women that just are naturally what men want in a relationship.
Men put women in one of three categories. A girl for now, a girl to have sex with or a girl they consider a relationship with. Which one are you?

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