Thursday, July 14, 2011

Will I Ever Find Love?

I get asked this question all the time, "Will I ever find love?".  I also get a lot of women who tell me they don't need a man to complete them.  I think these women are lying, I really do.  Sure we are fine without a man, but it is our biological birth right to find love.  Women feel it shows them in a weak light to say they need a man to complete them.  I call bullshit on this.  We do feel better when we are in a healthy relationship.  It's a fact, we are in better health.  I know personally my anxiety issues lessen when I have the love and support of a good man.  To say otherwise I would be lying.

So step one to finding love I think is admitting that yes, you want it, you need it to flourish. True you won't wither and die without it, but it sure is a great thing to find.   I have been happy single, no doubt, I loved it, but I feel more full inside of a good relationship.  I admit it.  So once you admit it, you need to own it. This means you need to know it's not going to just come knocking on your door, you have to put some work and effort into  finding love again. 

The effort has to be focused in two areas.  First in opening up yourself to it and letting go of fear.  The second in the actual hunt for love.  Some say love happens when you least expect it.  True at times, but again I call bullshit.  I have love, and yes it was in an unexpected place, but it wasn't really unexpected.  I truly believed I would find love again and I went after it.  I dated and dated.  It's a long story, but the bottom line is you do have to open to it.  You have to be open that it may not be in the package you expected.  You have to be open to the man that you feel this incredible chemistry with may NOT be your Mr. Right. 

I know women who have these lists.  He must be taller than me, he must have strong arms, he must be smart and worldly and their lists go on and on.  The heart you seek may be in the most unusual package.  I am more of a prissy girl, but the man I am with has tatoos, is shorter, not as educated as I am.  I threw my stupid list away and ended up with a man with the biggest and bravest heart who is smarter than most in many other ways that I have discovered are way more important than if he can compose a perfect sentence.

I have women all the time tell me all they attract are jerks.  I don't believe this either.  If you attract a jerk, just get rid of him before it's too late.  In other words we all attract all different types.  It's up to you to have sense enough to sort through them.  If he is a jerk or treats you not so great, don't accept him, keep looking, pretty simple.

Something I discovered that you may or may not relate to is this.  When I did meet a man that treated me well and adored me, it sort of scared me.  I wasn't used to it, so I started rejecting him, I did reject him.  I then went on to date others, one after the other.  You know the drill I am sure.  They come on full force, then vanish, or I just didn't feel it and I vanished.  So on and so forth.  It took going through these men to realize maybe I had missed something with the nice guy that adored me.  I thought something was wrong with him.  Actually something was wrong with me.

I think we are so scared because of past hurts that we can miss the good men.  If you are asking will I find love again, more than likely you have been hurt.  You have to let go of these hurts and understand there are no guarantees.  It's like this.  We are so used to loving and not getting it back which is our own fault by the way, that when someone gives it to us, we don't recognize it.  Love doesn't look like we imagine it to look.  Once you find it, it's crystal clear, but prior to that it's confusing.

If you are asking will I ever find love again, then it's obvious this is something you want.  Don't deny that want, it's natural.  Accept it and then seek it.  Open yourself up to new possibilities, new ways to meet men.  Online dating is the best way.  I know many who are so against this and come up with every excuse in the book.  I again call  bullshit on the excuses.  Online dating does take skill, it's not as easy as you would think.  Some go at it blindly, just tossing up a profile and running with it.  You get back what you put in.  If you want to find love again, you may want to consider investing some time, effort and maybe even money into it.  How important is it to you?  Do you want to just leave it to chance or do you want to take responsibility for it?
Find The One Online
I believe anyone can find love again.  I don't think it normally just falls in your lap.  Sure sometimes it happens, but a lot of the successful relationships I know of took some work and trial and error.  If you want to literally cut that learning curve in half, and save yourself a lot of time, I suggest you start here. 
Why He Disappeared!

I stand behind the messages in the above book 100% and can honestly say it is one of the main reasons I have found love again.  If you want to know how to find love, please just get the book.  If I could give it to you I would, but Evan Marc Katz would not be too happy with me.  I confess, I am a huge fan of his and he has been my inspiration in love and in helping others find love.

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