A lot of women really struggle with this. How to know if their men love them or not. To me it's self explanatory, you just know this. To others it may not be so clear. I get asked this question a lot by women. How to know if their guy loves them or is in love with them. I realize that the answer, you just know doesn't always work so I am going to break it down further. There are ways to know if he loves me or not.
If you find that your guy chooses to stay home with you when you are sick as opposed to his regular sporting event, it's pretty clear he loves you. If he is more focused on your happiness and well being than his own, you can bet he loves you. This isn't to mean he neglects himself, but he chooses you over other activities of his own free will, not because you coerced him or guilted him into it.
If he protects you and provides for you, he loves you. A man will share his last dime with the woman he loves, this is a fact. He won't want her to do without. He wants her comfort above his own.
If a guy lets you keep your feminine product in his bathroom, he loves you. If he is suddenly proud of having Tampax under the sink, you got him.
If a guy starts taking better care of himself, that is a sure sign he loves you. A man wants to be his best for the woman he loves. He will start to think about long term, financially, physically, in every way.
He will go out of his way if he loves you. He will get up and go get you ice cream if you have a craving. He will fly to see her. He will go above and beyond with little ways to make you happy.
If he is willing to do something out of character for his woman, that too is a sign he loves her. Lets say he is a manly man and all of a sudden he is willing to let you give him a facial or a manicure. Maybe he never wanted children, but with this woman it wouldn't matter if he had a dozen.
The bottom line is if you have to ask if he loves you, then you aren't feeling it for some reason. It may be you or it may be him. It could be your own insecurity or you could just have the wrong man. It's difficult sometimes to determine because men are so different than we are. Understanding how they think is a huge help in deciphering the mystery as to does he love me or not.
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