Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How To Let a Man Know You are Interested

The number one tool you have to show a man you are interested is your warm open smile. When he looks at you, smile, when he says something nice, smile. Smiles go for miles. If you are beating your head against a wall plotting or planning ways to hook him or show him you are interested, you are beating a dead horse. If you have to work or put in much more than warmth and a smile, you are doing too much work. You shouldn't have to go out of your way to show interest in a man.

Men if they are interested in you, will approach, they will pursue and you do nothing but let them, with a smile and a welcoming attitude that is. So many women are now doing the work. This takes away from your feminine elegance and allure. If you are the one calling or texting, then you are doing the work of a man. You say it's 2011 and times have changed. Yes they have and women are more and more successful and equal. What really draws a man in though is not this. It's your feminine essence, you being a woman. Embrace being a woman and act like a woman and you will not really need to do anything extra to show your interest.

Now there are many ways to smile. There is the slightly shy smile that has it's allure. There is the smile that makes him wonder what you are thinking. There is the smile that says you might have something a little risque on your mind. A smile can trigger many things in a man's imagination and make him feel warm and welcome. If you want to know how to show a man you are interested, smiling and being receptive to him is the key.

I get asked often by women should I call him or text him to let him know I am interested. My answer is this. Is he calling and texting you or asking you out? If he isn't, he more than likely isn't interested. You can make every excuse in the world as to why he isn't chasing after you, but the bottom line is this. When a man is interested, he will and does make the calls and texts and plans to see you. You don't have to work overtime or jump through hoops to show him you are interested. He is perfectly happy to try to gain and work for your interest.

Sure if you call or text he may sound happy to hear from you and likely he is. If you ask him out because you just happen to have tickets to this or that, he may even go. Not many men will turn down something that comes so easy to them. They will not however, more than likely build an attraction towards you long term. Sure there are exceptions, but more times than not, men like to be the pursuer.

If he isn't pursuing, he isn't ready for a relationship, or he simply isn't interested enough in you. You won't make his interest grow by showing more interest on your part. Quite the opposite. He will view you as an easy target and be happy to make you a back burner girl until one comes along with more of a challenge. How to show a man you are interested is simple, you do nothing but smile and be receptive.

You attract men with your feminine elegance, your warmth and your smile along with your attitude. Do you have that feminine elegance that causes you to be the woman men adore.

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