So exactly how do you get him to propose or how can you go from girlfriend status to wife? Is not by nagging, having the talk, hinting or any trick tactics. Drama will not work, but will send him on a marathon run to the hills. You have to create an intense attraction that goes past his body and into his soul. An attraction and deep love that will send him on a marathon straight to the jewelry store. To go from girlfriend to wife, and get him to propose, you must be that irresistible woman with boundaries and self respect.
A woman with boundaries and self respect knows what she will and will not accept in a man and she stands her ground. This challenges a man and a man loves a challenge. When he is challenged he feels he is going to win a prize and the prize will be you. You have to be that rare woman unlike all those before you. When something is rare, its value goes up and a man will pay more for it. A man treasures that which he works the hardest for.
Walking power is a very valuable tool in getting a man to propose to you. Walking power is when your man just knows that if he crosses any of your boundaries or deal breakers you have, without a doubt you will kick his fanny to the curb. Walking power is also when he knows that you are still deciding if you want him long term. This means knowing that if certain things show up while you are dating, you will walk away and not look back.
If you are always available, doing all the work in your relationship, you lose your value. He will see you as the permanent girlfriend and you may never get that walk down the isle. If you have your own full life and passions in life outside of him, he will naturally be drawn to you. If you are always there and try to make his life easy, it will backfire. He will take you for granted. You don't want backfire, you want real fire. You want him to feel a burning hot fire for you that tells him in the core of his being that you are the woman that was made just for him.
How To Go From Girlfriend to wife is a wonderful, entertaining book by a wonderful woman, Nicole Gayle. This book will enlighten you and show you how to get into a man's soul. If you have been wearing that girlfriend crown for a while now and want to get him to propose and give you the ring this book is for you. Show him you are more than a girlfriend, you are a Goddess and enchant him and get him to propose and commit for life.
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