You can't eat, sleep, and you are miserable. Your emotions are out of control and he consumes your every thought. You play the last few weeks over and over in your head. He loved you, so how can he just walk? You can't seem to find an answer and all you can do is just guess and drive yourself crazy. Sound familiar? Its normal to feel desperation when the one you gave your heart to just walked. Breath and calm down because it is possible to get him back.
There are many dynamics in a male/female relationship and you may be wondering what did I do to deserve this? Its rarely something you said or did. It goes deeper than that. Many times when a man is really feeling it for you, this is when he runs. He fears you may be too much work, you may be to clingy or needy, or the relationship may have become dull and routine.
The first thing you have to do is stop all contact. Do not contact him for any reason. I know that this is so hard to do, because your emotions are out the roof. You want to ask questions, you want to understand. This is actually counterproductive and just pushes him further away. The no contact rule works in 3 ways to your advantage.
It prevents you from acting needy and insecure around your ex. It also prevents you from expressing anger that you may be feeling. Neediness, insecurity and anger are not emotions you want him to see, these things drive him further away.
It instills a fear of loss in him. It pushes him away and makes him wonder why. He may even start to wonder if you have moved on to someone else. Humans only realize something's value when its gone, in most all cases. You want him to see you as valuable again like when you first met.
It gives you time to get your emotions under control for when he does contact you. It gives you time to soak up all the information you can about why men leave and help you to understand the breakup and exactly what goes on in a man's mind after a break up. It also helps you get you plan together of how to get him back forever and because he wants to come back.
Now to address your biggest fear. The biggest fear we have when we lose our man is the thought of him with another woman. It makes you sick inside. Statistic wise, it is a fact that men will move on to another woman rather quickly and we are left behind thinking how could he do that. Its a male ego thing, they rebound much quicker than we do. It boosts their self confidence and helps them feel more like a man. You have to stop thinking these thoughts and do something to avoid this at all cost if that man that you lost is a keeper. Those thoughts are destructive in getting him back.
Pick yourself up and start working on how to get him back forever. Its not hopeless, it has been done by many, but not in the ways that your emotions are telling you. Get your emotions in check and start looking at this in a different light and get your man back.
The no contact rule is just the beginning of getting your ex back. There are many more powerful techniques, methods and strategies for getting him back. Stop cying and give it your last and best shot. You want him back in your arms right. You don't want to see or find out a month or two down the road that you have been replaced. Learn how to reverse the rejection you now feel and replace it with the knowledge that it takes to get your man back forever. For more information on this plan please visit this site. Get your ex back.
indonesia people always believe that men will always go back to his first love
ReplyDeleteI agree. It happens everywhere!