A dream girl has her standards that a man must meet. She does not make rules for the man, she makes the rules for herself. She expects him to follow without ever having to voice it. If he follows, great, if not she walks. They don't measure their value by the expectations of a man, but by the expectations of themselves. She rules her own heart. A few characteristics of these dream girls are as follows
When a man tells her to call him, she knows instinctively that he does not value her. He just has her on stand by. If he were truly interested, she knows he would be calling her.
She knows the difference as to if she is an option or a priority. If she feels she is just an option she will never make him a priority.
If a man is late, she will not play mama and call him to see what happened. She will have a back up plan and not wait past 30 minutes
If he calls later with an apology, she simply says "oh I see".
She will never become a liability. She will have a full life outside of her man.
She can say no and not feel bad.
She does not argue or try to convince a man. She states her point and remains silent.
These amazing,self respecting women often become wives. They have an air aboutthem that is hard to resist and easy to respect and love. They do not do drama and sets her boundaries and stands firm. They are easy to be with, but a little hard to get. Men treasure the dream girl who is true to herself.
What do dream girls have that makes them so special? Men and drawn to them and often make them thier wives. The dream girl comes along and the good girl friend is forgotten. Learn what exactly a makes a woman a dream girl. Learn how being a dream girl gets the man.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Consider Me Gone
Consider me gone is a wonderful song by Reba McEntire that has touched thousands of women. We all relate to her heartfelt words. She sings of the break down of a relationship, the waining of communication and the distance that can grow. We often find ourselves standing at a crossroads where we have to decide if we utter those words, consider me gone.
The bottom line is this, we know somewhere inside we have to be true to ourselves. We know what we want, need and deserve. We also know if we go, we are going to suffer pain so we hold on sometimes longer than we should to avoid it. Letting go of someone you love is no easy thing to do. The road of heart break is hell. Nights of lost sleep, tears, loneliness and an empty place in your heart.
When I heard the words "If I am not the one thing you can't stand to lose", it spoke to me loud and clear. Isn't that what you want to be? You know in your gut if you are that one thing to him. Listen to your gut, listen to your inner voice and be true to yourself. Regardless of the pain, it will pass and somewhere out there is a man who will feel you are the one thing he can't stand to lose. You will never find him when you are holding onto a man who will go on with his life when you say "consider me gone".
We fear the unknown and if we walk away from our comfort zone, we feel stark naked and venerable in the unknown. Is the comfort zone the best place for you though? I think that sometimes we have to take chances and make changes. The universe is a big place and perhaps or more like probably there is something better waiting for us around the corner. If you truly are the one he can't stand to lose, he will come after you. He will go to the ends of the earth to find you. How would that feel? Wouldn't it be better to know the truth now so you can begin to live it.
Consider me gone is a beautiful song and I am sure it has touched many. There are probably millions of women riding in their cars with the radio cranked up singing along heart and soul. Be true to that heart and soul. If you aren't the one then just say it, consider me gone. If you are not the arrow to his heart, then it's consider me gone. Simple really.
I am a single woman who said those words, "Consider me gone", more to myself than anyone else. I am happy, I made it through and yes something better was waiting for me. I found me again. I found more love, peace and joy than I ever would have found had I stayed. For all of you women out there struggling, this article is for you
The bottom line is this, we know somewhere inside we have to be true to ourselves. We know what we want, need and deserve. We also know if we go, we are going to suffer pain so we hold on sometimes longer than we should to avoid it. Letting go of someone you love is no easy thing to do. The road of heart break is hell. Nights of lost sleep, tears, loneliness and an empty place in your heart.
When I heard the words "If I am not the one thing you can't stand to lose", it spoke to me loud and clear. Isn't that what you want to be? You know in your gut if you are that one thing to him. Listen to your gut, listen to your inner voice and be true to yourself. Regardless of the pain, it will pass and somewhere out there is a man who will feel you are the one thing he can't stand to lose. You will never find him when you are holding onto a man who will go on with his life when you say "consider me gone".
We fear the unknown and if we walk away from our comfort zone, we feel stark naked and venerable in the unknown. Is the comfort zone the best place for you though? I think that sometimes we have to take chances and make changes. The universe is a big place and perhaps or more like probably there is something better waiting for us around the corner. If you truly are the one he can't stand to lose, he will come after you. He will go to the ends of the earth to find you. How would that feel? Wouldn't it be better to know the truth now so you can begin to live it.
Consider me gone is a beautiful song and I am sure it has touched many. There are probably millions of women riding in their cars with the radio cranked up singing along heart and soul. Be true to that heart and soul. If you aren't the one then just say it, consider me gone. If you are not the arrow to his heart, then it's consider me gone. Simple really.
I am a single woman who said those words, "Consider me gone", more to myself than anyone else. I am happy, I made it through and yes something better was waiting for me. I found me again. I found more love, peace and joy than I ever would have found had I stayed. For all of you women out there struggling, this article is for you
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Should I Ask Him Out
First off when you ask him out as opposed to him asking you out, you deprive yourself of some pleasure. Personally speaking, I don't feel comfortable asking a guy out. It takes all of the fun out of it. I love that butterfly feeling I get when the phone rings. We even as grown women when a man we are into makes that call our heart falls on the floor. We forget to breathe. Then when he asks us out, we scream in delight and do a little dance. Why on earth would we want to miss that euphoria and ruin it all by having to ask him out. It kills the wonderful natural dynamics. The thrill. Do you really think if you ask a him out, he screams and does a little dance when he hangs up the phone? I just can't see it, can you?
I have a girlfriend that met a guy a few weeks ago, of course he did not call and she called me daily and asked can't I at least text him. I always said no, wait. Yesterday he called, asked her out. She immediately called me. She was screaming over and over "he asked me out, he asked me out!". When she was finally done, I said, "now wasn't that so much better than if you had asked him?" She said "yes, yes". Had she asked this guy out, she would not had that sense of victory, the knowledge that he truly wanted to go out with her. Such a great feeling and a key to laying the foundation for the rest of the relationship.
Now lets look at his feelings on this. Men like to be the hunter. They like to get what is not so easy to obtain. They are proud of their toys that they had to work for. If you ask him out, well you were easy and he had to do little work. This makes it all too easy for him and easy you don't want to be. You want to be that which he values. You want him to have to step out of his comfort zone and make the move. It's a chase. As long as you keep moving he will keep chasing, the minute you stop and be still or make his job easy, he will follow your lead and do the same. Don't ask him out, be patient and let him come to you. This also lays the groundwork for the rest of the relationship.
Now suppose he isn't asking you out. Well there is you answer right there, stop stressing over it. If he wanted to he would and if you ask him out still in spite of this, chances are good he is just going for lack of something better to do. It's an easy evening. Nothing special because it required no effort on his part. So when you think, should I ask him out, think again. Think long term satisfaction, not instant gratification
I am a single woman with an interest in helping women to date smart. I have read book after book about dating and relationships and have developed quite an understanding as to how men think. I have seen many women learn to date without drama and watched their dating life soar to success.

I have a girlfriend that met a guy a few weeks ago, of course he did not call and she called me daily and asked can't I at least text him. I always said no, wait. Yesterday he called, asked her out. She immediately called me. She was screaming over and over "he asked me out, he asked me out!". When she was finally done, I said, "now wasn't that so much better than if you had asked him?" She said "yes, yes". Had she asked this guy out, she would not had that sense of victory, the knowledge that he truly wanted to go out with her. Such a great feeling and a key to laying the foundation for the rest of the relationship.
Now lets look at his feelings on this. Men like to be the hunter. They like to get what is not so easy to obtain. They are proud of their toys that they had to work for. If you ask him out, well you were easy and he had to do little work. This makes it all too easy for him and easy you don't want to be. You want to be that which he values. You want him to have to step out of his comfort zone and make the move. It's a chase. As long as you keep moving he will keep chasing, the minute you stop and be still or make his job easy, he will follow your lead and do the same. Don't ask him out, be patient and let him come to you. This also lays the groundwork for the rest of the relationship.
Now suppose he isn't asking you out. Well there is you answer right there, stop stressing over it. If he wanted to he would and if you ask him out still in spite of this, chances are good he is just going for lack of something better to do. It's an easy evening. Nothing special because it required no effort on his part. So when you think, should I ask him out, think again. Think long term satisfaction, not instant gratification
I am a single woman with an interest in helping women to date smart. I have read book after book about dating and relationships and have developed quite an understanding as to how men think. I have seen many women learn to date without drama and watched their dating life soar to success.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Will He Ever Marry You
Are you the perfect girlfriend. Do you do everything in your power to please him and gain his affection? You want to make his life easy because you love him. You may cook for him, clean, and do everything you can to please him and make him happy. Did it occur to you that this is why you don't have the ring yet. He has it all already and he knows you aren't going anywhere. Why should he marry you? What will inspire him to commit and propose to you? Will he ever marry you?
Imagine a world where the roles were reversed. Men cook for the women, do your laundry, pick up after you, and dote on you. On top of this he can't wait to get married. He owns a hope chest filled with household items and silk bow ties for his groomsmen to wear at his wedding. He greets you at the door in silk boxers and boots ready to do a pole dance for you. He looks at and remarks about every baby he see. Then he adds a few ultimatums. Where is my ring? Why can't we get married? Chances are good you would think this guy was off his rocker and you would tie up you running shoes and sprint.
Funny thing is, a lot of women use this approach to catch a husband. They are the nice girl that puts everyone else's needs before her own. She would put her man's need before her own any day because she loves him so much. It's the woman who loves herself first that men adore. They respect a woman who will not compromise her own values and life for that of a man. A man's respect is the glue that holds it together. Earn his respect and you will win his heart. It's the key to whether he will ever marry you.
The women men marry are usually the ones that don't work overtime to catch a husband. They are strong, spirited women who stand up for themselves. She won't compromise herself. This makes a man classify her as a woman with a mind of her own that he can't walk all over like linoleum. This is the woman that a man will marry.
So often we feel we have been so good to our man, we were supportive, there for him and then one day wham, he pulls away, says it's not you it's me. Months later he is involved with another woman and before you know it the not so nice girl got the man. Learn what the not so nice girl's secret really is. Learn how to go from girlfriend to wife.
Imagine a world where the roles were reversed. Men cook for the women, do your laundry, pick up after you, and dote on you. On top of this he can't wait to get married. He owns a hope chest filled with household items and silk bow ties for his groomsmen to wear at his wedding. He greets you at the door in silk boxers and boots ready to do a pole dance for you. He looks at and remarks about every baby he see. Then he adds a few ultimatums. Where is my ring? Why can't we get married? Chances are good you would think this guy was off his rocker and you would tie up you running shoes and sprint.
Funny thing is, a lot of women use this approach to catch a husband. They are the nice girl that puts everyone else's needs before her own. She would put her man's need before her own any day because she loves him so much. It's the woman who loves herself first that men adore. They respect a woman who will not compromise her own values and life for that of a man. A man's respect is the glue that holds it together. Earn his respect and you will win his heart. It's the key to whether he will ever marry you.
The women men marry are usually the ones that don't work overtime to catch a husband. They are strong, spirited women who stand up for themselves. She won't compromise herself. This makes a man classify her as a woman with a mind of her own that he can't walk all over like linoleum. This is the woman that a man will marry.
So often we feel we have been so good to our man, we were supportive, there for him and then one day wham, he pulls away, says it's not you it's me. Months later he is involved with another woman and before you know it the not so nice girl got the man. Learn what the not so nice girl's secret really is. Learn how to go from girlfriend to wife.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hard To Get, Easy to be With
Playing hard to get is not a game, it is simply a woman with a full life that puts herself and her needs first. This confident woman would never dream of putting anything on hold for a man. She is not the woman waiving her arms shouting "pick me, pick me". She is the woman who calls her own shots. This says "I am secure". The best way to kill a man's attraction is to be the opposite of secure which is needy and clingy. Hard to get is a positive attitude that inspires a man to fall all over himself to be with you.
A woman who is hard to get but easy to be with has shown a man that she is happy with him but can be just as happy having nothing to do with him. This intrigues him and this is when he won't leave her side. Hard to get women don't wait by the phone, they don't change plans to fit his schedule, they don't take late night calls or last minute dates. They have their boundaries and standards set and this earns his respect. She is happy in her life and a happy woman is very sexy indeed.
Think of it as you are the prize. There are different kinds of prizes. There are the ones in the cracker jack box. That is the easy prize. All they have to do to get that is open the box and dump it and there is the prize. What happens to this prize? It usually gets tossed in the trash or discarded somewhere and forgotten. If they run across this prize later down the road, chances are good they won't even remember where it came from. That is easy, not playing hard to get at all.
Then there is the prize he had to work for. His brand new BMW, or Sports Car. He had to work long hours and save for years for this prize. What does he do with this? He doesn't let anyone else drive it, he keeps it clean and under his garage, take photographs of it and treats it with love because he values it, he had to work for it.
So playing hard to get is really easy. Just live a wonderful life, put yourself first and he will follow you. As long as you view yourself as the prize, he will view you that way as well and he will enjoy putting in the extra effort, after all he wants the prize.

A woman who is hard to get but easy to be with has shown a man that she is happy with him but can be just as happy having nothing to do with him. This intrigues him and this is when he won't leave her side. Hard to get women don't wait by the phone, they don't change plans to fit his schedule, they don't take late night calls or last minute dates. They have their boundaries and standards set and this earns his respect. She is happy in her life and a happy woman is very sexy indeed.
Think of it as you are the prize. There are different kinds of prizes. There are the ones in the cracker jack box. That is the easy prize. All they have to do to get that is open the box and dump it and there is the prize. What happens to this prize? It usually gets tossed in the trash or discarded somewhere and forgotten. If they run across this prize later down the road, chances are good they won't even remember where it came from. That is easy, not playing hard to get at all.
Then there is the prize he had to work for. His brand new BMW, or Sports Car. He had to work long hours and save for years for this prize. What does he do with this? He doesn't let anyone else drive it, he keeps it clean and under his garage, take photographs of it and treats it with love because he values it, he had to work for it.
So playing hard to get is really easy. Just live a wonderful life, put yourself first and he will follow you. As long as you view yourself as the prize, he will view you that way as well and he will enjoy putting in the extra effort, after all he wants the prize.
hard to get,
play hard to get,
playing hard to get
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