Wednesday, May 27, 2009

10 Signs That He Is Into You

Have you been dating a guy for a few weeks or months and are just not sure he is into you. Here are some ways to tell if he is into you. All men are different in some ways (not many) but if he is doing most of there, chances are he is into you.


He teases, and picks on you, bantering so to speak. Men are like boys, they love to play. Its like sports, if he is including you in this play, he likes you for sure.


He asks you out. Even if you play a little hard to get, he keeps trying. Also if he actually picks you up and does not ask that you meet him.


He calls. No 3 day rule. If he is smitten, he will toss the rules aside and call you.


He respects you opinion. If you can disagree with him in an open manner and engaging manner, his head will spin. Men love smart women.


He compliments you. He tells you that you are hot immediately.


He pays and does not think twice about it. Cheap men just want food and sex.


He loves talking to you. If you are on the phone and say "Well I guess I better let you go" and he says, no that's ok, I am not really doing anything", he is into you. Chat him up and show your intelligence and he will be hooked.


He doesn't mind if you put him in his place. Stand up to him in a respectful way and he will admire this. It shows him that you are true to yourself. Men love women that they can't walk all over.


He takes you to special places. He does this because he wants to see how you respond and he wants to impress.


He does things for you, like cut the grass, move your furniture around, things that make your life easier. Also if he buys you things, no matter how small. T shirt at a concert, brings you over your favorite cocktail, even if its beer. Just small things that he knows you like.

When a man wants to commit he will show it. He will start assuming that role and acting like your boyfriend. Once he exhibits this behavior, he will start to naturally move towards you seeking to be exclusive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Monica Got Her Man Back

Monica, a very dear freind of mine had been dating Ted for 2 years. Things were great, relationship was fabulous. One night out they ran into Ted's friend who happened to mention that Ted had had drinks with Kim a old friend of Teds. Monica inquired why he failed to mention it. Next thing you know, they are arguing and Ted just states that he does not know if he can be in a relationship with someone who does not trust him. He walks out.

Monica is speechless, she does not know what to do. She does not react to Ted which is smart. Instead she calls me. We talk it out and I tell her to wait til they both cool down. Let him contact her. 24 hours pass, 48, then days. She is starting to worry. She is going between anger and hurt. I suggested a book by Bob Grant. She downloaded it and read it. She followed the outline to a T.

In the meantime, she stayed busy. She went out, cried, went out, cried. You know the emotional rollercoaster. The one thing she did not do was initiate contact. It was hard. Weeks went by. Still not a word.

Week 3 he contacted her a friend of hers with some lame excuse. Her absence was playing on his imagination. Her lack of interest was starting to make him feel pain. The friend contact angered her greatly and she wanted to call him and let him have it, but she didn't.

Long story short. Week 4 he showed up on her doorstep humble and confessed he did not ever want to be without her. Its been 6 weeks now and she finally has the relationship she wanted all along. A man that adores her and knows he can't just walk out on her like that again. He may lose her for good. It is possible to get your man back.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to Flirt With a Man (Get Him to Ask You Out

I am going to post this topic on my own personal experience. I know you have seen those women and maybe you are one of them. They can walk into a room and pick out a man and next thing you know they have his undivided attention. They seem to captivate him. What is it they are doing? They may not even be drop dead gorgeous but the men are drawn to them. Flirting with men is really easy. They love the attention of a woman. They are men after all.

These women know how to flirt. Some are naturals, some learned. If you are not a natural, you can learn. The more you practice the more it will become natural. I know this because I am a learned flirt but others would say I was a natural.

Some of my favorite flirting lines:

1. No you didn't. Say this when he says something he did that could be different

2. I am going to break up with you. Example: You ask a man directions to somewhere and he doesn't know where it it. You simply say well I am going to break up with you. Guaranteed to get a smile and a laugh. You will be remembered.

3. Just say his name in a devilish tone. Better yet "Bill, you didn't!"

4. Oh My!

Some of my favorite body language moves:

1. Tilt the head to the side slightly and angle it down.

2. Smile and laugh (not hearty laughter, like a giggle. Toss your head back.

3. WEAR A SKIRT AND CROSS YOU LEGS! Not a mini skirt either. Tasteful

4. Touch him on the arm lightly when you say his name or are making a point.

These are just a few. There are so many that I would be here all night writing this post. Read an example below.

True story and this happens to me often or when I chose I should say. Last night I met the girls for happy hour at a very nice restaurant and bar. I got there first and sat by the most attractive man there. I was conversing with the bartender. This made me seem approachable. I wanted a napkin to put under my beer. I started to reach across him, and he got it and handed it to me. Did I say thank you? No I said "I just got here, don't you think its a little early to ask me for my phone number?" I said it softly with the head tilt.

The girls got there and we moved to a table. I positioned myself to where I was facing his seat. I told the girls either he was going to ask me for my phone number or give me his before we left. His back was now turned to me. I already had his attention. He turned sideways on his stool and would glance my way occasionally. Smile, Smile Smile is what I did with the head tilt of course. He sent me a drink. Then came to the table and introduced himself. We chatted. He sat back down. I went to the Ladies room and when I came out he handed me a napkin with a note about now I had been there long enough and he would love to take me to dinner and his phone number was there.

Moral of this story. I did a few simple things. I was approachable, I took advantage of an opportunity and said something witty and I smiled. I sat up straight, crossed my legs (had on a skirt slightly above the knees)and I am sure a lot of other subliminal body signals, but it worked. How will I get him to call me instead of me calling him is another story all together, but I know how to do that too. Looks like there is a first date in my future though. If you want to learn more about flirting click here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

About How Do I Get Him Back by Bob Grant

Bob Grant is the Relationship Doctor. His book, How Do I Get Him back clearly designs and shows you how to implement a plan to get your man back after a break up. His plan is simple and effective. He explains from a man's point of view why it works.

In this book you will learn the reasons men leave, what makes them stay and how to keep him once you get him back. He examines the differences as to why women think they leave to why they actually do. It is quite an eyeopener. I wish I would have read it a long time ago.

In the end, he offers last resort advice as to how to get him back in the event his plan fails. This book will inspire you and assist you in all the emotional turmoil you go through in a break up. Whether you are in a break up or your man is getting distant and you sense it may be coming, this book is fabulous, you will not want to put it down.

How Do I Survive a Break Up? Can I Get Him Back?

The relationship has ended. You are on an emotional roller coaster. You go from crying over him to cussing him. You want to pick up the phone. You want him to know how you hurt and you want to scream at him when you feel mad. You don't understand how can he just turn off those emotions.

First I want to start this with a little about and why I feel I am qualified to write this post. I have been giving all of this wonderful and helpful advice and even made remarks about the wonderful man I had met and dated for quite some time now (going on 10 months). Well despite all of my advice, I noticed the distance growing between us out of nowhere. I saw the signs. I knew it was coming. I was about to get that song and dance about "Its not you, its me".

I went to my library of books and I found one that so far is helping me to keep peace with this situation. It prepared me for the breakup, actually inspired me to be the one to initiate the break up even though it is the last thing I wanted. After the break up conversation was over I knew I had done the right thing. I held on to my dignity thank God. I felt empowered because I did it on my terms. Did I cry a river? Yes I did and still am, but let me tell you, I see things clearly (most of the time). I am still a woman and so I have had my crazy moments and outrageous thoughts like showing up on his doorstep and acting like a stalker.

Now that you know where I am coming from I hope I can help you if you are going through this too. First off whether you want him back or not try to stop those crazy thoughts. You know the ones. Is he interested in someone else, what could I have done to avoid this and stop replaying scenarios over and over in your head. Try to accept the break up and know that you can't go back in time. You can however change how you react to it from this day forward.

So, how do you survive a breakup? The first thing I did was call all my friends and let them know it was their turn to help me out for a change. I called male and female friends and it really helps to talk to them. Stay busy, listen to upbeat music. My favorite today is a pop song "Better in Time". Remember it will get better. You will be ok eventually.

Do not and I repeat, Do not call or contact him under any circumstance. You will probably feel really bad about yourself if you don't get the outcome you want and it is doubtful that you will. Calling him just reinforces and reminds him of why he wanted out to start with. Sit tight as my girlfriend tells me constantly. Let him have that time, because with men, they don't figure it out so soon. They need time to cool and let the negative thoughts subside. This could take weeks. After the negative thoughts are not so much in their mind, this is when they may begin to remember the good thoughts. This is when they start to miss you. If he is going to contact you this is when it will happen.

If he contacts you again, don't be negative, don't ask questions, give up very little about what you have been doing. If he really still cares he is going to want to know more. Don't give it to him yet, you just went through hell and you are not going to make it easy. Smile while you are on the phone. I know what you are thinking, you have got to be kidding. You want me to smile when my heart has been ripped out. Yes I do. This will remind him that once upon a time, things were good and you were great to be with. Remember, you don't want to make him feel anything negative. If and when you rekindle your romance, you can talk about things after it has progressed. Can you get him back? Maybe, but you have to play it cool.

Also I have found that when you have pain in your life, this is when you are more open to receive joy. You may be crying on a friends shoulder and they say something that just gets to you, or it may be a song on the radio. For me the sun came out after days of raining and I was so grateful. That's a bit nostalgic, but hey when you are hurting who cares what makes you feel better. Grab on to every simple pleasure you can right now. If you get him back, wonderful, if you don't you will be ok.

Had this happened to me a year ago, I would not be near as level headed about this as I am today. I had no idea that all the dating books I read would be helping me with this, but basically what I have learned is "What I will and will not accept in a relationship". As long as I stay true to that, then I will be ok as well.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dating Without Drama Review

Do you spend a lot of time guessing what is on a man's mind? Do you wonder is he into you or not? Do you wish it could be easier? As women we tend to overanalyze our mates and try to make sense of them. Are you tired of fretting and stressing over your relationship or lack of one?

Dating without Drama by Paige Parker will help take the guesswork out of dating. She offers tons of insight into the way men think. Her book is a clear blueprint of what to do and also what not to do. She not only lays out some rules, but explaiins the why behind them. Dating without drama can change your life if you apply the concepts. Its not about manipulation or trickery, its just a simple book with a smart simple concept.

Dating Without Drama changed the way I react and think about men. It comes with lots of bonuses such as access to a womens forum where you can interact and give and seek advice with other women going through the same thing that you may be experiencing. I give Dating Without Drama 5 stars.