When you and your guy break up there are usually some questions that race through our mind
1. What happened?
2. What did I do wrong?
3. What's wrong with him
4. Can I get him back or is it too late?
Its mind blowing when a man that seemed to be so interested in you, can one day just lose all interest in you or the relationship. It can set you in a panick. You want to fix it and you want to do it now. Here are the thoughts that are also going through your head.
1. I must call him
2. I must write, email or text him
3. If I can only give something to him
4. If I could just tell him how I feel
5. If I could just get him to talk about how he feels
6. If only he could understand me
7. If only I could understand him
These thoughts are valid, but they are thoughts the we as women feel. We relate and process this break up much differently than a man does. These thoughts do not work on a man.
The top reasons, (not the only reasons) a man leaves a woman.
1. You were too helful and accomodating (he does not want a mother)
2. You were too needy
3. You were too strong or rigid
When a man leaves you, although he may not show it, there is a lot going on in his head. We are talking about a man's heart and there is a lot going on inside that he may not be aware of, that he's trying to avoid. It is a powerful thing to turn a man's heart. He has to warm up slowly, lower his guard and let his addrenaline die down before he can wrap his mind around reconciling with you.
This takes a man time and where we make our mistake is not giving him the time to go through this process. We call, beg, plead and try to convince him. Men do not respond to words they respond to distance. If you do all of these things you are actually pushing him away because you are reminding and validating to him all the reasons he broke up with you in the first place.
This is where the no contact rule comes into play. You shut down and give him that time, but be prepared it could take weeks, sometimes longer. It rarely happens in a couple of days. We as women want to end the pain and want instant gratification, but if you really want him back you have to be more aware of how thier mind works and stop thinking about what you want right now and focus on long term goal.
There is no guarantee but nearly every man will initiate some form of contact if you have shut down withing two months of a break up. The waitng is hard, but stay busy and go on like he is not coming back. Everytime you contact him, you are pushing him further away and killing your chances of getting him back.When he does call this is your chance to turn it around. First call do not talk about the relationship or what went wrong. Be light and fun and act like you are happy. You want to replace that last memory of you being needy with a positive one and this is going to make him feel its safe enough to call again without you getting all serious on him. Your lack of emotion will set you apart and pleasantly surprise him. Be the first to end the call and limit it to a very short call, no more than 10 minutes. Also don't share any details of your life or the past, just small talk.
Now you hang up and you are wondering what he is thinking about you and you may feel you have not done enough to help him get back with you. If you are feeling this way, the good news is, you are probably doing it right. Remember the things you want to do such as talk to him, tell him you miss him, telling him how you feel will drive him farther. Therefore, if you are wondering about him, then you have probably given him enough space to wonder about you.
Now he is open and feels comfortable enough to call again, keep it light again and repeat above steps. His imagination is now running about you and he is filling in the gaps and wondering all kinds of things. This is when he will start to move back towards you and this is when you will get the opportunity to really have that conversation and tell him how you feel because he is going to ask. Its all about timing. If you can hang in there and wait it out, let him come to you, that is when he will be open to listen to your feelings.
I've just gone through a break up after nearly 4 years, and this article has kept me going. I made the mistake with a guy in the past, and I did everything that this article tells me not to do. I won't be making that mistake again. Its only been a week since the break up, and I have literally had to restrain myself from calling or texting or facebooking him. I know that whats written above is the BEST advice a woman can have, and I do hope deep down that he comes back :-)
ReplyDeleteI am going through a difficult breakup... I have done the calling, etc now I am waiting it out. Hope it works:}.... I honestly hope he comes back.. I miss him so much.....
ReplyDelete"Men always come back". I believe in this, although it rarely works this way. I am going through a break-up and it hurts a lot but I am staying focused on my own life. We will see what will happen, but I won't raise my hopes too high... good luck everybody! And thanks for the article.
ReplyDeletehi, i've just recently broke up with my boyfriend well it wasnt the first time he broke up with me for some very petty things.I alwayz called him back and everything went back to normal...but now wen he broke up with me a day ago, i refuse to call him or contact him in anyway, cos am gettin really fed up of his decison to break up everytime therez a lil problem. I luv him very much. and we'll see whether he'll come crawling back or no.
ReplyDeletethanx for the help.
I met this guy...we started seeing each other 5 weeks ago...everything went very quick...feelings on both sides and he made me feel so awesome. he told me he had never been attracted to a girl like this before. he was very honest and told me it has been a while for him being with a girl and it's not easy. i asked him if this is going anywhere and he said yes. but he wanted to take it slow. he introduced me to his friends. i met his cousin and she told me that he told her that he met an awesome girl but he's very careful about commitment.well, the end of the story is that i was not patient enough and told him "maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore". that made him flip! and he said he needed space even after i apologized and showed him i wanted to be around him. he told me he loves me and that i'm the girl for him. i know it's my fault. but i just said it because i'm scared too to get hurt. i saw him 8 days ago where he said i should give him space. i didn't talk or communicate with him since then! NO CONTACT AT ALL!
ReplyDeleteWill he come back?
i'm staying strong not to contact him because i don't wanna do any mistakes i did with other guys in the pastby calling or texting.
8 days...tough time.
Well I met my guy three years ago. I had a major dependency problem because I moved from country to counrty as a child and never had a home. So through the beg. of the relationship I poisoned a beautiful thing. I had panick attacks when he went out and cried till he came back. He made me realize what was happening and I began to change. I saw a therapist, grew stronger and then he left me. I still was not perfect but I had really improved so much. He said that it was too late and that his feelings were gone. He was not perfect, but I love him and he is my best friend. He knows I am going through hell and keeps calling me to see if I'm alright. Today I told him to stop calling. I need him back and will do verything I can so that it happens. He is the love of my life and I drove him away. I hope this works or i'll never forgive myslef for being weak and ruining the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope no contact shows he im not dependent anymore and his love returns.
ReplyDeleteWell my relationship broke up exacty 25 days ago and it is absolutely horrible. I cannot stop thinking about him, when i go to sleep hes in my head, when i wake up hes still there and i really want him back again. So what did i do initially? I wrote, i txt him and now i see that i have dome everything wrong!! What i should be doing is ignoring the situation and getting on with my life instead of moping. He has called me but says he honestly doesnt know if we will get back together but we will keep talking (on the 'phone). Well he has phoned once in that time and sent a few txt messages, but i am now going to approach this in a different way and go cold turkey. If that fails, well then i have to accept things are not good and try to forget him which will kill me, but i have to live and breathe without him and i will get ther in the end. I am sure he wont forget me so easily and in one of his weaker moments when he remembers the good times we had together, thats when he will probably get back in touch.........hopefully.