Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why You Should Not Call Men You Just Started Dating

You haven't even started or are in the first stages of dating. It would be so easy to call or text him, but be careful, this can send of some unattractive signals to the new potential man in your life.

For starters, if you call men, you send of the signal that you are very available. This is not really how you want a guy to see you. I hear so often, but what if he thinks I am not interested? If you want to show interest, do so when he calls you by being fun and flirty. You do not want to show more interest than he is showing. Not good.

Guys really will call you if they are interested. If your phone is not ringing or is not ringing consistently, say every few days, he is just not that interested. If you call men who are not calling you, you are investing more into it than they are. You become easy target to be a back burner girl or a back up girl.

How you handle the phone techniques in the beginning is crucial. Texting and phoning is a huge dating tool today. If you are the one doing the initiating when you call men, you are taking over his role as the hunter. While some men are flattered that a woman is chasing them, it rarely lasts because he is deprived of his natural born instinct to do the chasing and hunting. Let him lead. It's really best to not call the men until you are more into a stable relationship.

Texting should be handled the same way. Let him initiate, you just follow his lead and match his level of commitment. It gets difficult, we get impatient and want to speed things up and so we call men. Huge mistake. A man's time table and priorities are very different from a woman's. If you are the one that will call men, how do you ever know his true level of interest? You won't. Relax and be patient. It is such a good feeling to know the guy is into you without you having to prod.


  1. It is true that if we give more response to men than he will understand that we are interested that is why we should not give more response to him. We should wait for his call instead of calling him if we have started dating from few time.

  2. This works up to a point. The point being, not all men are good at communicating interest or noninteret and will send mixed messages. I'd rather know for sure if a man was not able or interested in meeting my needs/expectations than let things play out indefinitely. Enjoying being pursued and anticipating a call is one thing, waiting around is not part of the game. I say if you've been dating someone for a few weeks/month and things are still uncertain call the n to clarify. Not interested? If you are looking to be in something more than a casual relationship...time to move on. Life is too short to waste time like that.
