In the first couple of months in a new relationship, a lot of times the attraction is physical. I would go so far as to say that a lot of women even mistake that physical attraction for a relationship when he may not even be in a relationship in his mind. That is the first new relationship advice I would offer. Make sure you both are on the same page.
I can't tell you how many times I have known women to go on a few dates, and the man is giving attention and acting like he is really into a woman, she sleeps with him and he starts getting distant. This is so common and if I can ever get any message across, I want to get this one across. A few dates and phone calls do not equal a relationship. Before you go getting new relationship advice, make sure he is your boyfriend. A boyfriend gets wrapped up in making you happy. If he is doing this, you are probably safe.
Now how can you keep him around, assuming he is worth keeping and treats you well. Don't start over accommodating him. Lots of women will start changing up their schedule to fit him in. They will put their girlfriends on the back burner hoping to hear from their new boyfriend. Don't do this. Men love a woman who has her own life. It's wildly attractive when they have to compete for your time, even if it is your girlfriends. Keep your own life, don't make changes to fit in this new guy would be my first new relationship advice.
Don't expect him to change for you. If he usually goes out with the guys on Friday, don't whine that he does that instead of seeing you. If he plays poker on Mondays, don't try to change him. When we try to change men it tells them two things. The first that we don't accept him as he is. Men must feel accepted. Second it tells him you may become a control freak or drama queen down the road. New relationship advice number two, don't try to change him. In time if you play your cards right he may want to give up certain things in order to spend time with you, but you can't push it.
Remain the fun girl that he started dating in the beginning. Keep yourself up and continue to be fun. Relax and be yourself. One of the main complaints I get from men is that the women change when they get in a new relationship and start acting different and aren't as fun anymore. Light and breezy. If you are in a new relationship, you want to stay the dream girl he fell for in the first place.
I can't tell you how many times I have known women to go on a few dates, and the man is giving attention and acting like he is really into a woman, she sleeps with him and he starts getting distant. This is so common and if I can ever get any message across, I want to get this one across. A few dates and phone calls do not equal a relationship. Before you go getting new relationship advice, make sure he is your boyfriend. A boyfriend gets wrapped up in making you happy. If he is doing this, you are probably safe.
Now how can you keep him around, assuming he is worth keeping and treats you well. Don't start over accommodating him. Lots of women will start changing up their schedule to fit him in. They will put their girlfriends on the back burner hoping to hear from their new boyfriend. Don't do this. Men love a woman who has her own life. It's wildly attractive when they have to compete for your time, even if it is your girlfriends. Keep your own life, don't make changes to fit in this new guy would be my first new relationship advice.
Don't expect him to change for you. If he usually goes out with the guys on Friday, don't whine that he does that instead of seeing you. If he plays poker on Mondays, don't try to change him. When we try to change men it tells them two things. The first that we don't accept him as he is. Men must feel accepted. Second it tells him you may become a control freak or drama queen down the road. New relationship advice number two, don't try to change him. In time if you play your cards right he may want to give up certain things in order to spend time with you, but you can't push it.
Remain the fun girl that he started dating in the beginning. Keep yourself up and continue to be fun. Relax and be yourself. One of the main complaints I get from men is that the women change when they get in a new relationship and start acting different and aren't as fun anymore. Light and breezy. If you are in a new relationship, you want to stay the dream girl he fell for in the first place.
More men vanish in the first few months of dating, this is a fact. They get all excited and think they have found a dream girl and then the dream girl somehow turns out to not be his dream girl. Don't let this happen to you. Men aren't locked down in the beginning of a new relationship and this is when they walk away most.