Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why do Men Love Bitches

When you hear the word bitches, you think of a woman who is self centered that treats a man badly. This is not really the case. Bitch stands for Babe in Total Control of Herself. In other words, a woman who does not give all to her man until he has given her all first. A woman who does not prepay, she gets the merchandise prior to giving all of herself.

B=Babe, I=In, T=Total, C=Control of, H=Herself

So why do men marry some women and not others? What kind of woman do men marry? Women who leave the men always wanting more, always thinking there is more to her than he is getting motivates a man. Men are very competitive by nature and if they are not getting everything, they will work harder. The harder they work, the more they value the prize. You as a woman have to be the prize.

The women that give too much too soon are the ones usually left behind. The man already has it all, so what is to motivate him to make you his forever girl. If you are picking up his dry cleaning, cooking for him, doing all kinds of things to make his life easy, you are already playing wife. Why should he marry you, he already has it all. Men need motivation to take you off of the market. If you are his doormat, he will not move you onto the pedestal.

Men are inspired by mystery. If he knows everything about you already, where is the mystery? Keep some things to yourself, don't be available every minute of everyday. Have your own life outside of his. This moves him to want to find out more about you and your life and become more of a part of it. Don't be so quick to fit into his world. Hold back and let him also fit into yours. A bitch is the opposite of a doormat.

Don't be the stepping stone in his life. Learn more about why men marry some women and not others. Don't continue to be one of the others. If you have been dating for a while now and are his girlfriend, start moving him towards a lifetime commitment. Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

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