Thursday, December 3, 2009

Commitment Fear in Men

Hopefully you are among one of the lucky women who has never been dumped, but sometime in your life, it will happen. Chances are you have already experienced this more than once. You have probably watched your friends go through the same horror. What is this commitment fear in men?

One of the biggest mistakes that we make as women is putting the responsibility of our happiness on the man. When a man feels he has to take on your happiness he panics. It puts pressure on him to deliver and he is probably clueless how to make you happy. He may not even know what makes him happy, but one thing for sure that thrills a man is to know he can effortlessly fulfill your hearts desires.

Often we are not even aware we are projecting the responsibility of our happiness onto our man. It may be in our words or in our actions and we may not even think twice about it. The biggest thing you can do to propel a man towards you is to take your happiness into your own hands. Be who you are and be happy doing it. One of the best gifts you could give a man is to take the pressure off him by taking the responsibility for your own happiness. This takes the pressure away and he will give more freely.

These men that won't commit are often being true to their male nature -- and this often comes into conflict with women who are just being true to their female nature. Its a pattern with men. Oftentimes, neither the man or the woman is singularly at fault. It's just the eternal battle of the sexes at work. If you can understand how men process if you are the one, you can overcome his fear of commitment.

Have you been in and out of relationships, or in a relationship that seems to be stuck? There are ways to inspire a man to commit. You can become the woman who awakens that longing in him and have him as yours for life. Even the most commitment phobic men can be led to commitment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be His Dream Girl

A dream girl has her standards that a man must meet. She does not make rules for the man, she makes the rules for herself. She expects him to follow without ever having to voice it. If he follows, great, if not she walks. They don't measure their value by the expectations of a man, but by the expectations of themselves. She rules her own heart. A few characteristics of these dream girls are as follows

When a man tells her to call him, she knows instinctively that he does not value her. He just has her on stand by. If he were truly interested, she knows he would be calling her.

She knows the difference as to if she is an option or a priority. If she feels she is just an option she will never make him a priority.

If a man is late, she will not play mama and call him to see what happened. She will have a back up plan and not wait past 30 minutes

If he calls later with an apology, she simply says "oh I see".

She will never become a liability. She will have a full life outside of her man.

She can say no and not feel bad.

She does not argue or try to convince a man. She states her point and remains silent.

These amazing,self respecting women often become wives. They have an air aboutthem that is hard to resist and easy to respect and love. They do not do drama and sets her boundaries and stands firm. They are easy to be with, but a little hard to get. Men treasure the dream girl who is true to herself.

What do dream girls have that makes them so special? Men and drawn to them and often make them thier wives. The dream girl comes along and the good girl friend is forgotten. Learn what exactly a makes a woman a dream girl. Learn how being a dream girl gets the man.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Consider Me Gone

Consider me gone is a wonderful song by Reba McEntire that has touched thousands of women. We all relate to her heartfelt words. She sings of the break down of a relationship, the waining of communication and the distance that can grow. We often find ourselves standing at a crossroads where we have to decide if we utter those words, consider me gone.

The bottom line is this, we know somewhere inside we have to be true to ourselves. We know what we want, need and deserve. We also know if we go, we are going to suffer pain so we hold on sometimes longer than we should to avoid it. Letting go of someone you love is no easy thing to do. The road of heart break is hell. Nights of lost sleep, tears, loneliness and an empty place in your heart.

When I heard the words "If I am not the one thing you can't stand to lose", it spoke to me loud and clear. Isn't that what you want to be? You know in your gut if you are that one thing to him. Listen to your gut, listen to your inner voice and be true to yourself. Regardless of the pain, it will pass and somewhere out there is a man who will feel you are the one thing he can't stand to lose. You will never find him when you are holding onto a man who will go on with his life when you say "consider me gone".

We fear the unknown and if we walk away from our comfort zone, we feel stark naked and venerable in the unknown. Is the comfort zone the best place for you though? I think that sometimes we have to take chances and make changes. The universe is a big place and perhaps or more like probably there is something better waiting for us around the corner. If you truly are the one he can't stand to lose, he will come after you. He will go to the ends of the earth to find you. How would that feel? Wouldn't it be better to know the truth now so you can begin to live it.

Consider me gone is a beautiful song and I am sure it has touched many. There are probably millions of women riding in their cars with the radio cranked up singing along heart and soul. Be true to that heart and soul. If you aren't the one then just say it, consider me gone. If you are not the arrow to his heart, then it's consider me gone. Simple really.

I am a single woman who said those words, "Consider me gone", more to myself than anyone else. I am happy, I made it through and yes something better was waiting for me. I found me again. I found more love, peace and joy than I ever would have found had I stayed. For all of you women out there struggling, this article is for you

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Should I Ask Him Out

First off when you ask him out as opposed to him asking you out, you deprive yourself of some pleasure. Personally speaking, I don't feel comfortable asking a guy out. It takes all of the fun out of it. I love that butterfly feeling I get when the phone rings. We even as grown women when a man we are into makes that call our heart falls on the floor. We forget to breathe. Then when he asks us out, we scream in delight and do a little dance. Why on earth would we want to miss that euphoria and ruin it all by having to ask him out. It kills the wonderful natural dynamics. The thrill. Do you really think if you ask a him out, he screams and does a little dance when he hangs up the phone? I just can't see it, can you?

I have a girlfriend that met a guy a few weeks ago, of course he did not call and she called me daily and asked can't I at least text him. I always said no, wait. Yesterday he called, asked her out. She immediately called me. She was screaming over and over "he asked me out, he asked me out!". When she was finally done, I said, "now wasn't that so much better than if you had asked him?" She said "yes, yes". Had she asked this guy out, she would not had that sense of victory, the knowledge that he truly wanted to go out with her. Such a great feeling and a key to laying the foundation for the rest of the relationship.

Now lets look at his feelings on this. Men like to be the hunter. They like to get what is not so easy to obtain. They are proud of their toys that they had to work for. If you ask him out, well you were easy and he had to do little work. This makes it all too easy for him and easy you don't want to be. You want to be that which he values. You want him to have to step out of his comfort zone and make the move. It's a chase. As long as you keep moving he will keep chasing, the minute you stop and be still or make his job easy, he will follow your lead and do the same. Don't ask him out, be patient and let him come to you. This also lays the groundwork for the rest of the relationship.

Now suppose he isn't asking you out. Well there is you answer right there, stop stressing over it. If he wanted to he would and if you ask him out still in spite of this, chances are good he is just going for lack of something better to do. It's an easy evening. Nothing special because it required no effort on his part. So when you think, should I ask him out, think again. Think long term satisfaction, not instant gratification

I am a single woman with an interest in helping women to date smart. I have read book after book about dating and relationships and have developed quite an understanding as to how men think. I have seen many women learn to date without drama and watched their dating life soar to success.

Dating Without Drama

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Will He Ever Marry You

Are you the perfect girlfriend. Do you do everything in your power to please him and gain his affection? You want to make his life easy because you love him. You may cook for him, clean, and do everything you can to please him and make him happy. Did it occur to you that this is why you don't have the ring yet. He has it all already and he knows you aren't going anywhere. Why should he marry you? What will inspire him to commit and propose to you? Will he ever marry you?

Imagine a world where the roles were reversed. Men cook for the women, do your laundry, pick up after you, and dote on you. On top of this he can't wait to get married. He owns a hope chest filled with household items and silk bow ties for his groomsmen to wear at his wedding. He greets you at the door in silk boxers and boots ready to do a pole dance for you. He looks at and remarks about every baby he see. Then he adds a few ultimatums. Where is my ring? Why can't we get married? Chances are good you would think this guy was off his rocker and you would tie up you running shoes and sprint.

Funny thing is, a lot of women use this approach to catch a husband. They are the nice girl that puts everyone else's needs before her own. She would put her man's need before her own any day because she loves him so much. It's the woman who loves herself first that men adore. They respect a woman who will not compromise her own values and life for that of a man. A man's respect is the glue that holds it together. Earn his respect and you will win his heart. It's the key to whether he will ever marry you.

The women men marry are usually the ones that don't work overtime to catch a husband. They are strong, spirited women who stand up for themselves. She won't compromise herself. This makes a man classify her as a woman with a mind of her own that he can't walk all over like linoleum. This is the woman that a man will marry.

So often we feel we have been so good to our man, we were supportive, there for him and then one day wham, he pulls away, says it's not you it's me. Months later he is involved with another woman and before you know it the not so nice girl got the man. Learn what the not so nice girl's secret really is. Learn how to go from girlfriend to wife.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hard To Get, Easy to be With

Playing hard to get is not a game, it is simply a woman with a full life that puts herself and her needs first. This confident woman would never dream of putting anything on hold for a man. She is not the woman waiving her arms shouting "pick me, pick me". She is the woman who calls her own shots. This says "I am secure". The best way to kill a man's attraction is to be the opposite of secure which is needy and clingy. Hard to get is a positive attitude that inspires a man to fall all over himself to be with you.

A woman who is hard to get but easy to be with has shown a man that she is happy with him but can be just as happy having nothing to do with him. This intrigues him and this is when he won't leave her side. Hard to get women don't wait by the phone, they don't change plans to fit his schedule, they don't take late night calls or last minute dates. They have their boundaries and standards set and this earns his respect. She is happy in her life and a happy woman is very sexy indeed.

Think of it as you are the prize. There are different kinds of prizes. There are the ones in the cracker jack box. That is the easy prize. All they have to do to get that is open the box and dump it and there is the prize. What happens to this prize? It usually gets tossed in the trash or discarded somewhere and forgotten. If they run across this prize later down the road, chances are good they won't even remember where it came from. That is easy, not playing hard to get at all.

Then there is the prize he had to work for. His brand new BMW, or Sports Car. He had to work long hours and save for years for this prize. What does he do with this? He doesn't let anyone else drive it, he keeps it clean and under his garage, take photographs of it and treats it with love because he values it, he had to work for it.

So playing hard to get is really easy. Just live a wonderful life, put yourself first and he will follow you. As long as you view yourself as the prize, he will view you that way as well and he will enjoy putting in the extra effort, after all he wants the prize.

Dating Without Drama

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dating Without Drama

Dating Without Drama

So what is dating without drama? Have you ever known a lady who just seems to have it going on. She gets the dates with great guys and they treat her like a queen. She may not even be drop dead gorgeous, but there is something about her that just draws the men. Chances are she is confident and self assured. She comes across to men as a fun girl that knows what she wants and settles for nothing less. Oh how attractive this is to men. She dates without drama.

Drama in dating is when you are wondering if he is going to call. You fret when he doesn't and wonder what you did wrong. Perhaps you have been dating for a while, weeks or even months and then you feel it, that distance. Men even just disappear and you have no idea what happened. Its like they have all the controls. The truth of the matter is its the woman that always has the control, you just have to learn how to get it and keep it.

Dating with Drama is also when you are doing the calling, all the work to make the relationship last. Wouldn't it be nice to sit back and let them do the work and you just relax and enjoy all the attention they are giving you. The key here is to stop doing so much and start doing less. Less is more. When you are putting in all the effort, the man automatically knows this and he gets lazy. Why should he have to put forth any effort when you are doing it all. Put some distance there and watch him follow you to see whats going on with you for a change.

Even and existing relationship can be turned around with the right techniques. Dating without Drama is an ebook that can turn your dating and relationships around. It teaches you how to apply these principles and get rewarding results. How would it feel to have your man calling you, doing for you and giving you all the emotional support that you have always craved. How many times have you not gotten this out of the man you were dating. Its not necessarily him, but your reactions to him that cause this. Learn to change you reactions and have him adoring you and wanting to be with you and only you.

Dating Without Drama

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why do Men Love Bitches

When you hear the word bitches, you think of a woman who is self centered that treats a man badly. This is not really the case. Bitch stands for Babe in Total Control of Herself. In other words, a woman who does not give all to her man until he has given her all first. A woman who does not prepay, she gets the merchandise prior to giving all of herself.

B=Babe, I=In, T=Total, C=Control of, H=Herself

So why do men marry some women and not others? What kind of woman do men marry? Women who leave the men always wanting more, always thinking there is more to her than he is getting motivates a man. Men are very competitive by nature and if they are not getting everything, they will work harder. The harder they work, the more they value the prize. You as a woman have to be the prize.

The women that give too much too soon are the ones usually left behind. The man already has it all, so what is to motivate him to make you his forever girl. If you are picking up his dry cleaning, cooking for him, doing all kinds of things to make his life easy, you are already playing wife. Why should he marry you, he already has it all. Men need motivation to take you off of the market. If you are his doormat, he will not move you onto the pedestal.

Men are inspired by mystery. If he knows everything about you already, where is the mystery? Keep some things to yourself, don't be available every minute of everyday. Have your own life outside of his. This moves him to want to find out more about you and your life and become more of a part of it. Don't be so quick to fit into his world. Hold back and let him also fit into yours. A bitch is the opposite of a doormat.

Don't be the stepping stone in his life. Learn more about why men marry some women and not others. Don't continue to be one of the others. If you have been dating for a while now and are his girlfriend, start moving him towards a lifetime commitment. Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

Monday, October 5, 2009

Turn Your Relationship Around

Often we just don't understand men at all. So much of their behavior is just out of our grasp. We as women are emotional creatures. Men on the other hand seem to be able to just switch their feelings off over night. What makes them do this and why do they do this? They can hurt our feelings and then accuse us of being oversensitive. Have you ever heard the line, you aren't going to bring that up again are you? Its us as women trying to get them to understand us. So can how we as women understand men and learn to live in harmony with them.

A lot of the answer lies within ourselves. We set expectations as to what we need to feel loved and to have love shown to us. Setting up these expectations in turn can set us up for disappointment. Men do not always view showing love to us the same way we do. So until we truly understand men and how they relate in relationships, we will not be able to move them towards us.

The actions that we use to get what we need to feel love are often what actually pushes them away. We complain, we nag, we ask, we cry and we get our feelings hurt. While these things may get us what we want short term, the man usually goes back to his old ways soon. These things don't work, so why continue doing the same thing if it just does not get you the results of what you actually need and want. How can you and get what you need and deserve?

We don't want much really, just to feel adored and loved. Its really simple. So why don't men get it? Because they do not think like we do. They avoid emotional confrontation, Is there a better way to communicate our needs without throwing them into defense mode. Can you get what you really want and need with the man you are with now? The answer is yes. You can have the relationship you have always wanted and you can have it with a new man, your current man or maybe the one that got away.

You can understand men and how they relate to women. Understand their needs and how to get them to communicate with you on a deeper level by changing your attitude towards your relationship. If you let go of the outcome and realize you have no control over it, then you are more open to receive from them. If you can learn to show them that you will not be an emotional basket case every time they make a mistake, they will be more inclined to please you and work harder to make you happy. The first step to build a fun and exciting relationship starts with you and how well you understand your man.

Whether you are married, in a relationship, or dating, the way you communicate with men is very important. It is important that you communicate in a way that does not send them running but still get your point across and stand your ground and get what you want. If you are feeling resentment because of all of the disappointments from your relationship you can change it and you can start today. Minutes from now you can have the tools and the knowledge to turn your relationship into bliss and have the man in you life working to make you happy without you lifting a finger. Have the relationship you want and deserve. Learn to understand your man.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love Drama-Avoid It

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are probably frustrated and often feeling hurt by the things the man in your life is doing or more likely not doing. Maybe he doesn't tell you he loves you as much any more. Perhaps the calling and texting have slacked off. He possibly does not show you the affection he used to or do the little things like hold your hand, kiss you hello, tell you how great you look and the list goes on and on.

If you are feeling insecure in your relationship because you don't know where you stand, join the thousands of other women who feel the same. We as women need reassurance and often we don't feel we get enough of it. We will start to push the men in our lives by attempting to talk to him about our fears and where we stand. Although we are doing this because we want answers and to know that we are valued and treasured by the men in our live, this approach does not work. It often can end in a quarrel and our man distancing himself or going into his cave.

Men do this because they don't like emotional confrontations and it makes them feel they are not making us happy. A man wants to make you happy, but he does not want to feel like he is solely responsible for out happiness. He see these actions of ours as warning flags of more drama to come down the road.

You can turn this relationship around, but you have to learn to date without drama.. Men love a drama free woman and these are the women that gently lead them to commitment. They move towards these women because these women know how to build that intense attraction and keep it.

I too went through all of the above issues. For years I would try to persuade a man with words or by doing more and more for them. My success with men was minimum. I got tired of being alone, I would get dates but it seemed it just never lasted. They would leave and next thing I knew, they would be in a serious relationship with someone else. This happens to all of us. I finally realized it wasn't the men in my life's problem, but that the problem was with me. I started reading books about dating and men and commitment. I learned to date without drama, and now I have met a wonderful man and am in a healthy relationship where I don't have to worry all the time about where I stand. Start turning your dating life and relationships around today. Learn how the secrets of dating without drama.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Will He Call or Not?

We have all been through it, many times I suspect. You meet this great guy, hit it off, he gets your number and never calls. Perhaps he does call and then one day just stops. What is going on here? Why does this happen? We pick it apart as women and try to figure out what we did wrong, was it something we said? Maybe, maybe not, regardless you still wonder will he call.

Men can pick up on our attitude. They know the women who are desperate for a call. They want a challenge as well and if we are desperate for that call, they just know and we become less attractive. Here are 5 things that you may be doing that keep him from calling and make you appear less desirable.

You offer your phone number and ask him to call. Instant warning flag, he sees you as needy and will avoid you at all costs. Plus he did not have to work for you. Men value what they work hardest for.
You ask him, "when are you going to call?". He sees you sitting by the phone waiting. Very unattractive to a man.
You ask him "are you going to call?" Same scenario as above, he sees you waiting and available
You tell him something like "Guys always get my number but never call" . This is a big no no, he will be thinking, wow, no wonder they don't call her, she has is negative.
He does call but its been days and you ask him "Why didn't you call?". He know then and there that this is a woman who is going to try to change him and may be high maintenance. He assumes the rest of the relationship will be drama filled.

So how do you take all of this drama out of the calling game and stop waiting by the phone. Its all in your attitude and how you approach dating in general. Its about dating without the drama. Not having to worry about if he will or will not call. A man loves busy women who have active lives and are not obsessing over if he calls or not. When a woman behaves like her world goes on with or without his attention, he is drawn. He will call because he is intrigued. Its called dating without drama.

I have found myself single again and back on the market. I don't worry about if or when he will call and 9 times out of 10 they do call, and they call again, and I get that date. I have taken the drama out of my dating life and learned how to enjoy it. The results are worth it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Toxic Men, Can they Commit?

Every toxic man can't be transformed, some are not worth the effort. Many are just clueless and don't know how to become a good guy. He very possibly down inside wants to make you happy but just does not know how. He may not know how and he may not realize he is toxic, but many can be transformed. I have seen very difficult men change.

The key lies in knowing how to inspire him to want to change and help him do this through your Click">relationship. It is not in the words you say to him that will make him change, we all know this does not work. How many times have you complained, voiced your wishes only to have them fall on deaf ears. Its your actions that he will respond to. Men do not respond to words.

The change starts in you and how you respond to his toxic behavior. The way you think, talk and what you can do affect your relationship dramatically and inspire changes in your man that evolve naturally. If you can change the way you feel about yourself on the inside, it changes the way you act with your man and can turn the relationship around.

Take yourself out of toxic dynamic between you and your partner and focus on being the best you can be. Use that energy to improve yourself instead. Stop telling him what to do and focusing on his toxic behavior. You will start feeling better and you positive vibe can inspire your partner and completely change your relationship. Transform your toxic man.

If you are with a man who may be toxic, but you feel he is a good man, he can be salvaged. What you have been doing in the past has not worked or you would not be reading this. Change yourself and your behavior and Click">have the relationship you always wanted.

Monday, August 17, 2009

No Contact

No contact removes the source of pain from your life and allows you to begin to heal. If you continue to communicate, you are going to have emotional turmoil and constant reminders. You are just prolonging the pain. Remember a time when you were single and happy. This time of no contact will allow you to regain your independence and be happy with you. It allows you to build your confidence back up. If you are seeking reconciliation, an unhappy, non confident person is useless to their partner.

No contact can serve another purpose if you are seeking reconciliation. It can send a wake up call to your ex and they make second guess their decision to end the relationship. While there are no guarantees that you will get your ex back, chances are better if you vanish from their life that they will miss you. Don't expect it to happen in a few days or even weeks, it takes time for an ex to evaluate the loss.

If you have an ex that wants to remain friends, chances are its because they don't want to lose you completely. Without no contact, rest assured that once your ex is back on their feet (because you helped them by offering your friendship) they will be on their way and your friendship will be non existent. No contact is a much smarter option than remaining friends. Being friends causes you pain and allows your ex to heal quicker. No contact causes your ex pain and allows you to heal quicker .

It is very important that once you make this decision to go into no contact that you stick to it. If you waver back and forth you are sending the signal to your ex that you are weak and are still available to them. They will not take you seriously. Sometimes a surprising thing comes out of no contact. Once they are out of your life and the healing begins, your emotions get under control and you see things differently. You may discover that they were not the one for you after all and that other more promising possibilities await you.

I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of a no contact forum for the last 3 weeks. There are hundreds of us going through it together and I have learned so much and I wanted to share it. I have more information on the benefits of no contact so please take the time to visit this site and begin your journey to taking your life back. Click here!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to get Him to Propose

So exactly how do you get him to propose or how can you go from girlfriend status to wife? Is not by nagging, having the talk, hinting or any trick tactics. Drama will not work, but will send him on a marathon run to the hills. You have to create an intense attraction that goes past his body and into his soul. An attraction and deep love that will send him on a marathon straight to the jewelry store. To go from girlfriend to wife, and get him to propose, you must be that irresistible woman with boundaries and self respect.

A woman with boundaries and self respect knows what she will and will not accept in a man and she stands her ground. This challenges a man and a man loves a challenge. When he is challenged he feels he is going to win a prize and the prize will be you. You have to be that rare woman unlike all those before you. When something is rare, its value goes up and a man will pay more for it. A man treasures that which he works the hardest for.

Walking power is a very valuable tool in getting a man to propose to you. Walking power is when your man just knows that if he crosses any of your boundaries or deal breakers you have, without a doubt you will kick his fanny to the curb. Walking power is also when he knows that you are still deciding if you want him long term. This means knowing that if certain things show up while you are dating, you will walk away and not look back.

If you are always available, doing all the work in your relationship, you lose your value. He will see you as the permanent girlfriend and you may never get that walk down the isle. If you have your own full life and passions in life outside of him, he will naturally be drawn to you. If you are always there and try to make his life easy, it will backfire. He will take you for granted. You don't want backfire, you want real fire. You want him to feel a burning hot fire for you that tells him in the core of his being that you are the woman that was made just for him.

How To Go From Girlfriend to wife is a wonderful, entertaining book by a wonderful woman, Nicole Gayle. This book will enlighten you and show you how to get into a man's soul. If you have been wearing that girlfriend crown for a while now and want to get him to propose and give you the ring this book is for you. Show him you are more than a girlfriend, you are a Goddess and enchant him and get him to propose and commit for life.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Get Your Man Back Forever

You can't eat, sleep, and you are miserable. Your emotions are out of control and he consumes your every thought. You play the last few weeks over and over in your head. He loved you, so how can he just walk? You can't seem to find an answer and all you can do is just guess and drive yourself crazy. Sound familiar? Its normal to feel desperation when the one you gave your heart to just walked. Breath and calm down because it is possible to get him back.

There are many dynamics in a male/female relationship and you may be wondering what did I do to deserve this? Its rarely something you said or did. It goes deeper than that. Many times when a man is really feeling it for you, this is when he runs. He fears you may be too much work, you may be to clingy or needy, or the relationship may have become dull and routine.

The first thing you have to do is stop all contact. Do not contact him for any reason. I know that this is so hard to do, because your emotions are out the roof. You want to ask questions, you want to understand. This is actually counterproductive and just pushes him further away. The no contact rule works in 3 ways to your advantage.

It prevents you from acting needy and insecure around your ex. It also prevents you from expressing anger that you may be feeling. Neediness, insecurity and anger are not emotions you want him to see, these things drive him further away.
It instills a fear of loss in him. It pushes him away and makes him wonder why. He may even start to wonder if you have moved on to someone else. Humans only realize something's value when its gone, in most all cases. You want him to see you as valuable again like when you first met.
It gives you time to get your emotions under control for when he does contact you. It gives you time to soak up all the information you can about why men leave and help you to understand the breakup and exactly what goes on in a man's mind after a break up. It also helps you get you plan together of how to get him back forever and because he wants to come back.

Now to address your biggest fear. The biggest fear we have when we lose our man is the thought of him with another woman. It makes you sick inside. Statistic wise, it is a fact that men will move on to another woman rather quickly and we are left behind thinking how could he do that. Its a male ego thing, they rebound much quicker than we do. It boosts their self confidence and helps them feel more like a man. You have to stop thinking these thoughts and do something to avoid this at all cost if that man that you lost is a keeper. Those thoughts are destructive in getting him back.
Pick yourself up and start working on how to get him back forever. Its not hopeless, it has been done by many, but not in the ways that your emotions are telling you. Get your emotions in check and start looking at this in a different light and get your man back.

The no contact rule is just the beginning of getting your ex back. There are many more powerful techniques, methods and strategies for getting him back. Stop cying and give it your last and best shot. You want him back in your arms right. You don't want to see or find out a month or two down the road that you have been replaced. Learn how to reverse the rejection you now feel and replace it with the knowledge that it takes to get your man back forever. For more information on this plan please visit this site. Get your ex back.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Bonus of Dating Without Drama

Not only is Dating Without Drama a great book to help us understand a man's mind. You know the questions. Why didn't he call? Should I call him? Will he call? Is he into me? And the list goes on and on. Now the information in the book is great and it teaches us women how to deal with these questions and what a man is really thinking.

Now all of that is great, but to me the best thing about this book it the community forum that you will get access to with the purchase of the book. Its a forum where hundreds of women and growing every day come together and discuss thier issues and problems with men. The women answer you questions, offer support and it is like nothing I have ever seen. All of these women have read Dating Without Drama and help one another stick to the basic principles.

I just recently went through some very hurtful drama of my own. I posted and over 80 women reached out to me to offer advice, comfort and cheer me on. I went to the forum Sunday Morning feeling like I was in the pits of hell, and by Monday afternoon, I was inspired and able to pick my self back up. I don't think I could have done it without them. I have made friends and my life has become enriched because of it. The book is great, but the forum is excellent.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why do Men Leave

When you and your guy break up there are usually some questions that race through our mind
1. What happened?
2. What did I do wrong?
3. What's wrong with him
4. Can I get him back or is it too late?

Its mind blowing when a man that seemed to be so interested in you, can one day just lose all interest in you or the relationship. It can set you in a panick. You want to fix it and you want to do it now. Here are the thoughts that are also going through your head.
1. I must call him
2. I must write, email or text him
3. If I can only give something to him
4. If I could just tell him how I feel
5. If I could just get him to talk about how he feels
6. If only he could understand me
7. If only I could understand him

These thoughts are valid, but they are thoughts the we as women feel. We relate and process this break up much differently than a man does. These thoughts do not work on a man.

The top reasons, (not the only reasons) a man leaves a woman.
1. You were too helful and accomodating (he does not want a mother)
2. You were too needy
3. You were too strong or rigid

When a man leaves you, although he may not show it, there is a lot going on in his head. We are talking about a man's heart and there is a lot going on inside that he may not be aware of, that he's trying to avoid. It is a powerful thing to turn a man's heart. He has to warm up slowly, lower his guard and let his addrenaline die down before he can wrap his mind around reconciling with you.

This takes a man time and where we make our mistake is not giving him the time to go through this process. We call, beg, plead and try to convince him. Men do not respond to words they respond to distance. If you do all of these things you are actually pushing him away because you are reminding and validating to him all the reasons he broke up with you in the first place.

This is where the no contact rule comes into play. You shut down and give him that time, but be prepared it could take weeks, sometimes longer. It rarely happens in a couple of days. We as women want to end the pain and want instant gratification, but if you really want him back you have to be more aware of how thier mind works and stop thinking about what you want right now and focus on long term goal.

There is no guarantee but nearly every man will initiate some form of contact if you have shut down withing two months of a break up. The waitng is hard, but stay busy and go on like he is not coming back. Everytime you contact him, you are pushing him further away and killing your chances of getting him back.When he does call this is your chance to turn it around. First call do not talk about the relationship or what went wrong. Be light and fun and act like you are happy. You want to replace that last memory of you being needy with a positive one and this is going to make him feel its safe enough to call again without you getting all serious on him. Your lack of emotion will set you apart and pleasantly surprise him. Be the first to end the call and limit it to a very short call, no more than 10 minutes. Also don't share any details of your life or the past, just small talk.

Now you hang up and you are wondering what he is thinking about you and you may feel you have not done enough to help him get back with you. If you are feeling this way, the good news is, you are probably doing it right. Remember the things you want to do such as talk to him, tell him you miss him, telling him how you feel will drive him farther. Therefore, if you are wondering about him, then you have probably given him enough space to wonder about you.

Now he is open and feels comfortable enough to call again, keep it light again and repeat above steps. His imagination is now running about you and he is filling in the gaps and wondering all kinds of things. This is when he will start to move back towards you and this is when you will get the opportunity to really have that conversation and tell him how you feel because he is going to ask. Its all about timing. If you can hang in there and wait it out, let him come to you, that is when he will be open to listen to your feelings.

Break Up and Our Crazy Thoughts

When we have been dumped left, jilted, whatever you want to call it, we start having these crazy thoughts. We rethink it over and over and replay conversations and good and bad times in our heads over and over. This drives us insane. We are our worst enemy in times like these.

One of the biggest fears we have I do believe is he or will he be with someone else. We imagine them in the arms of another woman doing and saying all the things they did and said with us. It eats us alive.

Its the way we as women think, but you have to stop driving youself crazy about something you have absolutely no control over. Do you think he is thinking those thoughts about you? Maybe, maybe not. You have to accept those things that you can't control and work on what you can control, which is you. You are only hurting yourself more by allowing this to consume you. Take control of your thought process and accept that whatever happens just happens. Acceptance is a big part of keeping those thoughts under control.

I went through and even convinced myself that my guy broke up with me and he would have no trouble finding another woman. Then I convinced myself that even if he did, she would not be no where near as wonderful as I am. That is how I learned to deal with those thoughts.

If you do want him back though and you want to decrease the chances of him ending up with someone else, then get on the plan to get back your man.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Broken Hearted and You Want Him Back

You and your guy just broke up and you are feeling desperate. You don't feel like doing anything buy crying. Your heart is broken and you are doing good to get out of the bed in the morning. Every song on the radio just tears at your heartstrings and you could not possibly watch a chick flick. You are playing the break up and the past over and over in your head and driving yourself crazy. What could I have done differently you ask yourself. What can I do to get my man back. How can I get through this?

There are things you can do that will greatly increase your chances for getting your man back. First you need to accept the things that you may be doing or want to do to get him back that could actually drive him further away. If you are calling, showing up at his house and places where he frequents, you need to stop. This just reminds him of why he broke up with you in the first place and it puts too much emotions onto him. Men don't deal with emotions very well, they can't help this. It is just a fact that we as women deal with emotions much better than men. That being said you have to understand that just because the emotional appeal would work for you as a woman, it will not work for a man. You want to do what works for them.

I read in the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus that men are like rubber bands. Now when you think about this, it really is true. They will stretch out and then spring back. With a man if you want him to spring back, you have got to allow him to stretch out. They need this time to stretch as this is when they start to really sort through things and this is when they will miss you. If you are constantly in their space, this process will not happen. Give him his space. This is the first step to get your man back.

Don't contact him. This is the hard part, but men do not respond to all of those words you are pushing at them. They do respond to distance though. Distance works on their imagination. They will wonder, wow, what happened? This woman who was so into me is not calling. What is she doing? Let his imagination fill in the gaps. This will prompt him to contact you. Now please understand this may not happen in a matter of days. It could take weeks and weeks. A man's time table is so different from that of a woman. Its something you have to accept to get through this. It is a fact though that the majority of men will initiate contact eventually after the break up. Its gonna happen if you play it cool. If you want your guy back, let him contact you first.

Once he makes the contact, you have to be ready with a plan. You want him back remember. Do not talk about the break up or the whys or your emotions. Keep it light and be friendly. You want to make this contact positive and you want it to replace the bad memory of the break up. You want to leave him feeling good about you as this will open him up to call or contact again. After he does contact you, do not call him, wait once more. I know you want to talk about your pain and feelings but wait. There will be plenty of time to talk about that once you get him back and into a committed relationship.

Most women when attempting to get their man back do all the wrong things. Do you want to be one of those women? Wouldn't you rather know how a man thinks about a break up and how to appeal to his way of thinking? How much time do you have before he is out and finds someone else? Can you afford to wait? Be the woman who has a plan to bring back her man and lead him to commitment.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dating Without Drama Review

So what is dating without drama? Have you ever known a lady who just seems to have it going on. She gets the dates with great guys and they treat her like a queen. She may not even be drop dead gorgeous, but there is something about her that just draws the men. Chances are she is confident and self assured. She comes across to men as a fun girl that knows what she wants and settles for nothing less. Oh how attractive this is to men. She dates without drama.

Drama in dating is when you are wondering if he is going to call. You fret when he doesn't and wonder what you did wrong. Perhaps you have been dating for a while, weeks or even months and then you feel it, that distance. Men even just disappear and you have no idea what happened. Its like they have all the controls. The truth of the matter is its the woman that always has the control, you just have to learn how to get it and keep it.

Dating with Drama is also when you are doing the calling, all the work to make the relationship last. Wouldn't it be nice to sit back and let them do the work and you just relax and enjoy all the attention they are giving you. The key here is to stop doing so much and start doing less. Less is more. When you are putting in all the effort, the man automatically knows this and he gets lazy. Why should he have to put forth any effort when you are doing it all. Put some distance there and watch him follow you to see whats going on with you for a change.

Even and existing relationship can be turned around with the right techniques. Dating without Drama is an ebook that can turn your dating and relationships around. It teaches you how to apply these principles and get rewarding results. How would it feel to have your man calling you, doing for you and giving you all the emotional support that you have always craved. How many times have you not gotten this out of the man you were dating. Its not necessarily him, but your reactions to him that cause this. Learn to change you reactions and have him adoring you and wanting to be with you and only you.

Dating without Drama is an ebook by Paige Parker. It is a book that has changed thousands of women's lives. You can learn how to attract and keep a good man and how to keep the relationship exiting and keep him interested for life. Don't you want to see that adoring look in his eyes. Wouldn't it be nice to have him chasing you and making you feel like the most precious woman on the planet in his eyes.

Learn more about Dating Without Drama here
I have dated for years. I read Paige's book 2 years ago, and things started to turn around. I started having fun dating I met a great guy and knew I had to change something because I just knew he was a keeper. I read Paiges book after our second date and we are still going strong. The difference in this relationship is that I am in control, although he thinks he is. He calls when he is supposed to, is considerate of my feelings and I can see it in his eyes that he adores me. He has even made the remark that 99% of women out there are nuts, how did I get lucky enough to meet the one that isn't. You can turn your dating and relationships around with this book. You can learn how to understand how he thinks and have him just dying to be with you. I did and have sense met many other women who have done the same. Do you want to lose out to the women that already know this secret because the dating without drama women are growing in numbers everyday. For your healthy and exiting dating future please check out Dating Without Drama.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Propels a Man to Commitment

When it comes to commitment, men can be a mystery. Perhaps you have heard the words "I am just not ready". Men are human just like women. They do want a special woman they can spend their time with and its not that they don't want to commit. Often its just they have not found that special woman to commit to. The woman that makes him feel alive. The woman that can awaken the hunter instinct and challenge him. The woman that gets him. This is the woman that will make a man commit.Have you ever heard a man say "Its not you, its me"? He may be saying that but what he really means is "Its not me, its you". Chances are good that when it comes to commitment, the problem is you. Now I know that's a tough pill to swallow. You may feel you do everything right and you are an awesome girlfriend. You probably are an awesome girlfriend but that is not necessarily what triggers those deeper feelings in a man. The things you are doing to be an great girlfriend could very well be the things that keep him from committing.

Many women try hard to please a man. Perhaps you offer to help him out. Maybe you cook for him, buy him gifts, do his laundry, try to make his life easier. Maybe the more you do, the less he may seem to appreciate it. The bottom line here is if he wanted a cook and a maid, don't you think he should just go home to his mother? When he thinks of you, do you really want him envisioning you cooking, cleaning and being domesticated? No way! You want him to think of the exiting and sometimes unpredictable woman that you are. He is not going to commit to a woman who acts like his mother, face it. The domesticated activities should come long after you already have the commitment and not a day before.

The number one thing that will stop a man dead in his tracts on his road to commitment is if you attempt to convince him that you are the one for him. Often times a great relationship is extinguished far before it should be by a woman opening her mouth and voicing her feelings on the subject. This is not to say that you should not speak your feelings because you do have to be true to yourself. Its just that men don't want to hear how they should make a commitment. They want to reach this conclusion on their own and in their time. If you are talking about your future and your plans together he is going to run for the hills. Speak less about this issue with a man and you will get you more.

There are things you can do to change his thinking. Its not that you have to change the way you feel, you just have to change the way you react to him and alter your patterns a bit. Don't be so available every time he calls. If he usually calls at a certain time, say 7 or so be doing something. I have often answered the phone with "Hey, can I call you back later? I am at happy hour with the girls". A overnight trip with your girlfriends will do wonders. If he sends you a text I know you are dying to reply, but wait, try to make it an hour. He will spend that hour wondering what you are doing if you usually hit him back immediately. These are small things you can do that can make a big difference.

What this all means is to have a life of your own. Be a little unpredictable. Be happy and have a little mystery about you. Stimulate the hunter's desire in him. This will not happen if you are revolving your life around him. He will know it and not act accordingly. Its not always easy to do as we are natured to be care givers. Save the care giving for after you have the commitment and even then, never stop being the exiting, stimulating woman that won his heart.

If you are tired of wondering will he commit,why won't he commit and is this relationship going anywhere, I urge you to learn the secrets that propel a man towards you. Learn how to become the woman he just can't imagine living his life without. If its not you, it will be some other woman that wins his heart. Nicole Gaye teaches in her book how to gently lead a man towards commitment. She lets you inside a man's mind and shares what exactly it takes to get a man to commit.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tips on Texting and Calling Men

Ever wonder when and if you should call a man? You are dying to pick up the phone, but scared of what he will think. Have you ever made that call and then been greeted with the cold shoulder and wished you could take it back? It happens. Or maybe you have been dating a while and he usually texts you during the day but for some reason he just didn't on this day. Do you pick up the phone and start texting him? So what are the rules and what does work?

First thing to remember is if you are texting or calling men, you are giving them power over you. You want to be the one with the power. Now I know this is a hard concept to grasp, but if you are so readily available, you take the mystery out of it. You are predictable and he may be predicting that you are going to become an emotional needy girlfriend.

When you make that call or text first you are sending negative messages. What he is hearing is that you are needy, you are into him and he does not have to worry about you. You will be there when he is ready to talk to you. You want him to wonder if you really are all that into him. This will propel him to make contact, which is what you want. Honestly, when that phone does ring or you do get that text that he sent first, don't you feel like jumping for joy. It just does not feel as good if you had to do the initiating.

The way you reply to his text messages is very important. Be upbeat, funny and make him laugh. If there is and inside joke between the two of you, play on it. This will make him associate good warm feelings when he calls or texts and he will do it more often. If you are the one doing the chasing, he will likely lose interest.

The way we handle these calls and texts can make or break a relationship. Wouldn't it be great to know exactly what to do and say and when to do it? If it could improve your dating and relationships? Do you want to be the girl that makes him roll his eyes in agitation every time the phone rings? I am sure you answered that no. You can create tons of attraction and move a relationship forward just by knowing how to handle texting and calling. If you want to turn it around and be the girl that is getting the calls and text messages instead of giving them I suggest you visit this site to learn more. All you need to know about calling and texting men.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

10 Signs That He Is Into You

Have you been dating a guy for a few weeks or months and are just not sure he is into you. Here are some ways to tell if he is into you. All men are different in some ways (not many) but if he is doing most of there, chances are he is into you.


He teases, and picks on you, bantering so to speak. Men are like boys, they love to play. Its like sports, if he is including you in this play, he likes you for sure.


He asks you out. Even if you play a little hard to get, he keeps trying. Also if he actually picks you up and does not ask that you meet him.


He calls. No 3 day rule. If he is smitten, he will toss the rules aside and call you.


He respects you opinion. If you can disagree with him in an open manner and engaging manner, his head will spin. Men love smart women.


He compliments you. He tells you that you are hot immediately.


He pays and does not think twice about it. Cheap men just want food and sex.


He loves talking to you. If you are on the phone and say "Well I guess I better let you go" and he says, no that's ok, I am not really doing anything", he is into you. Chat him up and show your intelligence and he will be hooked.


He doesn't mind if you put him in his place. Stand up to him in a respectful way and he will admire this. It shows him that you are true to yourself. Men love women that they can't walk all over.


He takes you to special places. He does this because he wants to see how you respond and he wants to impress.


He does things for you, like cut the grass, move your furniture around, things that make your life easier. Also if he buys you things, no matter how small. T shirt at a concert, brings you over your favorite cocktail, even if its beer. Just small things that he knows you like.

When a man wants to commit he will show it. He will start assuming that role and acting like your boyfriend. Once he exhibits this behavior, he will start to naturally move towards you seeking to be exclusive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Monica Got Her Man Back

Monica, a very dear freind of mine had been dating Ted for 2 years. Things were great, relationship was fabulous. One night out they ran into Ted's friend who happened to mention that Ted had had drinks with Kim a old friend of Teds. Monica inquired why he failed to mention it. Next thing you know, they are arguing and Ted just states that he does not know if he can be in a relationship with someone who does not trust him. He walks out.

Monica is speechless, she does not know what to do. She does not react to Ted which is smart. Instead she calls me. We talk it out and I tell her to wait til they both cool down. Let him contact her. 24 hours pass, 48, then days. She is starting to worry. She is going between anger and hurt. I suggested a book by Bob Grant. She downloaded it and read it. She followed the outline to a T.

In the meantime, she stayed busy. She went out, cried, went out, cried. You know the emotional rollercoaster. The one thing she did not do was initiate contact. It was hard. Weeks went by. Still not a word.

Week 3 he contacted her a friend of hers with some lame excuse. Her absence was playing on his imagination. Her lack of interest was starting to make him feel pain. The friend contact angered her greatly and she wanted to call him and let him have it, but she didn't.

Long story short. Week 4 he showed up on her doorstep humble and confessed he did not ever want to be without her. Its been 6 weeks now and she finally has the relationship she wanted all along. A man that adores her and knows he can't just walk out on her like that again. He may lose her for good. It is possible to get your man back.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to Flirt With a Man (Get Him to Ask You Out

I am going to post this topic on my own personal experience. I know you have seen those women and maybe you are one of them. They can walk into a room and pick out a man and next thing you know they have his undivided attention. They seem to captivate him. What is it they are doing? They may not even be drop dead gorgeous but the men are drawn to them. Flirting with men is really easy. They love the attention of a woman. They are men after all.

These women know how to flirt. Some are naturals, some learned. If you are not a natural, you can learn. The more you practice the more it will become natural. I know this because I am a learned flirt but others would say I was a natural.

Some of my favorite flirting lines:

1. No you didn't. Say this when he says something he did that could be different

2. I am going to break up with you. Example: You ask a man directions to somewhere and he doesn't know where it it. You simply say well I am going to break up with you. Guaranteed to get a smile and a laugh. You will be remembered.

3. Just say his name in a devilish tone. Better yet "Bill, you didn't!"

4. Oh My!

Some of my favorite body language moves:

1. Tilt the head to the side slightly and angle it down.

2. Smile and laugh (not hearty laughter, like a giggle. Toss your head back.

3. WEAR A SKIRT AND CROSS YOU LEGS! Not a mini skirt either. Tasteful

4. Touch him on the arm lightly when you say his name or are making a point.

These are just a few. There are so many that I would be here all night writing this post. Read an example below.

True story and this happens to me often or when I chose I should say. Last night I met the girls for happy hour at a very nice restaurant and bar. I got there first and sat by the most attractive man there. I was conversing with the bartender. This made me seem approachable. I wanted a napkin to put under my beer. I started to reach across him, and he got it and handed it to me. Did I say thank you? No I said "I just got here, don't you think its a little early to ask me for my phone number?" I said it softly with the head tilt.

The girls got there and we moved to a table. I positioned myself to where I was facing his seat. I told the girls either he was going to ask me for my phone number or give me his before we left. His back was now turned to me. I already had his attention. He turned sideways on his stool and would glance my way occasionally. Smile, Smile Smile is what I did with the head tilt of course. He sent me a drink. Then came to the table and introduced himself. We chatted. He sat back down. I went to the Ladies room and when I came out he handed me a napkin with a note about now I had been there long enough and he would love to take me to dinner and his phone number was there.

Moral of this story. I did a few simple things. I was approachable, I took advantage of an opportunity and said something witty and I smiled. I sat up straight, crossed my legs (had on a skirt slightly above the knees)and I am sure a lot of other subliminal body signals, but it worked. How will I get him to call me instead of me calling him is another story all together, but I know how to do that too. Looks like there is a first date in my future though. If you want to learn more about flirting click here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

About How Do I Get Him Back by Bob Grant

Bob Grant is the Relationship Doctor. His book, How Do I Get Him back clearly designs and shows you how to implement a plan to get your man back after a break up. His plan is simple and effective. He explains from a man's point of view why it works.

In this book you will learn the reasons men leave, what makes them stay and how to keep him once you get him back. He examines the differences as to why women think they leave to why they actually do. It is quite an eyeopener. I wish I would have read it a long time ago.

In the end, he offers last resort advice as to how to get him back in the event his plan fails. This book will inspire you and assist you in all the emotional turmoil you go through in a break up. Whether you are in a break up or your man is getting distant and you sense it may be coming, this book is fabulous, you will not want to put it down.

How Do I Survive a Break Up? Can I Get Him Back?

The relationship has ended. You are on an emotional roller coaster. You go from crying over him to cussing him. You want to pick up the phone. You want him to know how you hurt and you want to scream at him when you feel mad. You don't understand how can he just turn off those emotions.

First I want to start this with a little about and why I feel I am qualified to write this post. I have been giving all of this wonderful and helpful advice and even made remarks about the wonderful man I had met and dated for quite some time now (going on 10 months). Well despite all of my advice, I noticed the distance growing between us out of nowhere. I saw the signs. I knew it was coming. I was about to get that song and dance about "Its not you, its me".

I went to my library of books and I found one that so far is helping me to keep peace with this situation. It prepared me for the breakup, actually inspired me to be the one to initiate the break up even though it is the last thing I wanted. After the break up conversation was over I knew I had done the right thing. I held on to my dignity thank God. I felt empowered because I did it on my terms. Did I cry a river? Yes I did and still am, but let me tell you, I see things clearly (most of the time). I am still a woman and so I have had my crazy moments and outrageous thoughts like showing up on his doorstep and acting like a stalker.

Now that you know where I am coming from I hope I can help you if you are going through this too. First off whether you want him back or not try to stop those crazy thoughts. You know the ones. Is he interested in someone else, what could I have done to avoid this and stop replaying scenarios over and over in your head. Try to accept the break up and know that you can't go back in time. You can however change how you react to it from this day forward.

So, how do you survive a breakup? The first thing I did was call all my friends and let them know it was their turn to help me out for a change. I called male and female friends and it really helps to talk to them. Stay busy, listen to upbeat music. My favorite today is a pop song "Better in Time". Remember it will get better. You will be ok eventually.

Do not and I repeat, Do not call or contact him under any circumstance. You will probably feel really bad about yourself if you don't get the outcome you want and it is doubtful that you will. Calling him just reinforces and reminds him of why he wanted out to start with. Sit tight as my girlfriend tells me constantly. Let him have that time, because with men, they don't figure it out so soon. They need time to cool and let the negative thoughts subside. This could take weeks. After the negative thoughts are not so much in their mind, this is when they may begin to remember the good thoughts. This is when they start to miss you. If he is going to contact you this is when it will happen.

If he contacts you again, don't be negative, don't ask questions, give up very little about what you have been doing. If he really still cares he is going to want to know more. Don't give it to him yet, you just went through hell and you are not going to make it easy. Smile while you are on the phone. I know what you are thinking, you have got to be kidding. You want me to smile when my heart has been ripped out. Yes I do. This will remind him that once upon a time, things were good and you were great to be with. Remember, you don't want to make him feel anything negative. If and when you rekindle your romance, you can talk about things after it has progressed. Can you get him back? Maybe, but you have to play it cool.

Also I have found that when you have pain in your life, this is when you are more open to receive joy. You may be crying on a friends shoulder and they say something that just gets to you, or it may be a song on the radio. For me the sun came out after days of raining and I was so grateful. That's a bit nostalgic, but hey when you are hurting who cares what makes you feel better. Grab on to every simple pleasure you can right now. If you get him back, wonderful, if you don't you will be ok.

Had this happened to me a year ago, I would not be near as level headed about this as I am today. I had no idea that all the dating books I read would be helping me with this, but basically what I have learned is "What I will and will not accept in a relationship". As long as I stay true to that, then I will be ok as well.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dating Without Drama Review

Do you spend a lot of time guessing what is on a man's mind? Do you wonder is he into you or not? Do you wish it could be easier? As women we tend to overanalyze our mates and try to make sense of them. Are you tired of fretting and stressing over your relationship or lack of one?

Dating without Drama by Paige Parker will help take the guesswork out of dating. She offers tons of insight into the way men think. Her book is a clear blueprint of what to do and also what not to do. She not only lays out some rules, but explaiins the why behind them. Dating without drama can change your life if you apply the concepts. Its not about manipulation or trickery, its just a simple book with a smart simple concept.

Dating Without Drama changed the way I react and think about men. It comes with lots of bonuses such as access to a womens forum where you can interact and give and seek advice with other women going through the same thing that you may be experiencing. I give Dating Without Drama 5 stars.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thoughts about Calling Men

Ok, we are all guilty. He said he was going to call and a few days go by without a word and what do we do? We pick up the phone and call him first. Bad move. You just gave up your power. You just sent the wrong message. You just lost the controls.

I struggle often still in a stable relationship with this calling thing. Boyfriend works out of town and usually as a rule calls everynight (I do not always answer by the way). If it starts getting later than the normal time I start getting antsy. Now although this is crazy I still do it. I have learned that I have to find something to do. Take a bubble bath, call a girlfriend, something to keep me from going to that crazy place a womans mind can go. He will call. I do know that if I was the caller in this relationship, he would have been long gone a long time ago.

Think long term. What is the end result you want to get? If he answers and you call you may get instant gratification, but that is not going to do you much good if you are maybe wanting more. Be the girl he has to work for. When he does call, don't be so available. Always be the first to end the call. Leave him wanting more. If and when the calls start becoming consistent, it does not hurt every so often to be too busy to talk or have plans for the evening and be unavailable. If he is a mentally healthy man, he will work for you. If he does not, my motto is NEXT.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dating Without Drama Take the Quiz

Dating without drama by Paige Parker is a great no nonsense guide to dating. Click the link to the right to take the quizz and see how you stack up in the dating world. Are you a drama dater or do you have them eating out of your palm. Paige also has a great message board where women can vent and get advice on men and dating.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How I Got a Man to Call me First

Ok, lets face it. How many times have you had a great guy get your phone number only to never hear from him? Its happened to me and I am sure it has happened to you. In these days and time there are a lot of women out there doing the chasing and I think it has a lot of men getting lazy. They give you their number and tell you to call. I don't know about you, but I would rather not be the one initiating that first call.

I had met the man I now date online and yes he gave me his number. I really did not make a habit of giving mine out because sometimes they turn out to be stalkers or worse. I had a feeling about this guy though. I wanted to meet this one but I refused to call him. I put his number into my cell phone and created a plan.

Everyone is text messaging now. On a Sunday I went to a little bar and grill that I go to for Happy Hour during the week. I sent out a group text message to all my girlfriends that read something like "Hey girls I am at the rock, come have a cocktail" I added his name to the list. About 30 minutes later he called. He was a bit baffled and said who is this. I said who is this. He repeated my message and I laughed and said "ha got you to call me first" That told him I was not the type to call him first, and that I was also fun. He asked me out for the following Friday and the rest is history. So sometimes its ok to call, just be fun about it and play it smart.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Get Him to Commit and Go From Girlfriend to Wife

I recently read How to go from Girlfreind to Wife by Nicole Gaye. This book teaches you how to naturally lead a man to committ. No nagging or having the talk. Nicole talks mostly about how your attitude and how you can get a man to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. No tricks. There is great insight as to the best way to communicate with your man and not have him resenting you for it. How many times have you tried to communicate your feelings to have him act like a total jerk about it. In this book you will see how easy it can be to get your point and needs across and have him loving and respecting you for doing so.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Review coming soon

Soon I will be writing a review on How to go from Girlfriend to Wife by Nicole Gaye. I have read this book and it is by far one of the best I have read.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Review of Men Made Easy

Men Made Easy by Kara Oh. I recently purchased and read this book and I loved it. It also comes with a bonus book of How to Please Your Man in Bed which was interesting as well. This book reads easy and actually offers tons of insight into a mans mind. It makes it very clear how men relate to intimacy and how different this relating is from how we as women do it. This book offers insight to single, married, or women in relationships. After reading this book I have a new outlook on men for sure. It does not offer tricks or manipulating tactics, just straight into a man's mind and how they think. It does offer great communicating advice and skills. In the beginning the author starts out like a fairy tale and continues this theme throughout the book. At first I was skeptical of this, but she gets the information across with 5 stars in my opinion. I think this book can help any woman dramatically improve any relationship with these creatures we call men. You can understand how a man works and learn really how easy they are. Read Men Made Easy and learn how to get what you want and comminicate effectively.